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Daddy was hitting mommy again. I wonder if you hit the people you love..should I hit my siblings and parents to show my love? I should..

Edward's POV

As morning comes in I wake up feeling better than what I was last night. God last night was fucking nuts. I thought to myself.

I got up and get ready for the special day today.

Today is going down in history..

As I put on my clothes for the day I decide to put on my grey long jacket, some dark blue jeans, and my boots. Once I was done I went downstairs into the kitchen to get myself some breakfast. Then I hear a knock on the door. I went over to the door and once I opened it..there was no one there, just a note at the doorstep. I picked it up and all it said was, "W҉h҉a҉t҉ d҉i҉d҉ I҉ d҉o҉ t҉o҉ d҉e҉s҉e҉r҉v҉e҉ t҉h҉i҉s҉?҉" (what did I do to deserve this?).

A chill went down my spine. It was all messy but then again I feel like I saw this hand writing before. Then I remembered. I closed the door and ran upstairs into Ale's room. I tried finding something that had her hand writing in it, then I found it. I found a notebook that has her hand writing on it. I looked at the note and the book and both had the same writing. The note was just distorted in a way. There's no way...I thought it was just a bad dream..I was paralyzed with shock. I'm not dreaming..am I? I thought it over and over again in my head.

I eventually snap out of it, I just looked at the clock of my phone and saw it was 11:45am. "ALREADY 11:45?!" I yelled. I quickly rushed upstairs into my room and got my gun and put the bullets in.

Once I was done it was 11:52.

I went out of the house, locked it and went into my truck. Heading off to the school now, they will remember this day for years.


When I got there I put on my mask and went into the front office. As I opened the door I see a woman at front. She looked up to me and smiled. She asked, "Hello sir, are you here for a pick up?" I simply said back, "yes I am". She then asked, "Name of the student?" "Alessandra Olivas," I said back. "Teacher and grade?" She asks again. God is it mandatory to ask this many questions? I thought to myself angrily. "Mrs. Rogers and she's in 6th grade," I said as politely as possible to hide my annoyance. She then went to the phone and called the teacher.

She put the phone at her shoulder and looks at me. "Sir your daughter isn't here," she said. I smirked under my mask. "Oh I know. She's dead, like you," once I said that I quickly got my gun out and shot her in the chest. The shot was loud and so everyone in the front office was scared and hiding. I jumped over the desk and went around the room to shoot the other staff members.

1..2..3..4..5..6...6 adults dead. I hear over the speaker saying, "ATTENTION STUDENTS HIDE SOMEWHERE SAFE THERE IS AN ACTIVE SHOOTER-" I busted into the principal's office and pointed my gun at him. The speaker was still on.

"Hands. Up. Now," I commanded him. The principal did as told. I then shot him 3 times in the chest. The shots were heard on the speakers. I then went over to the microphone connected to the speakers and simply said, "you better run, better run. Outrun my gun." Then turned off the mic. I heard the screaming of children outside. Oh how I loved the sounds of children in pain, screaming, and hurting. I couldn't wait any longer, I finally went outside and went mad.

I saw a kid running away and so I took the chance to shot him. Headshot I told myself. I went to where most of the kids are, the playground. There I saw kids left and right running away. I went insane, I started shooting left and right.


I was running out of bullets so I reloaded. I saw some kids in the grassy area so I went inside.

11..12..13..14..15 dead

I didn't see anymore of those little monsters so I went to the classrooms.

Walking slowly with a smile..such a wicked smile. I ripped off my mask because fuck that. Walking down these buildings looking through each window of a classroom. I picked a room eventually, and I knocked on it. 3 knocks. *knock, knock, knock* no one answered. I banged on the door now. After that I went to the window. I shot the window and it broke.

I went into the dark classroom seeing scared children and a teacher. I shot a girl in the head and everyone screamed. I then shot the teacher. Now it's just me and the kids. I saw a kid trying to call 9-1-1 but I shot his hand making him dropping the phone. He cried in pain and then looked up seeing me over him. I pointed my gun at him and shot him in the face.

It was a massacre in there. 25 kids, all dead plus a teacher so 26 people.


Almost the whole school was dead. All the kids and the adults round up to 200-300. I shot 150 kids and 19 adults. Oh how I loved this.

Police sirens are near. "Party's already over coppers, you're late," I said out loud. I then started running to a nearby exit and ran to the truck. I then quickly jumped in and drove fast back to the house. Once I wasn't at the school anymore I saw in the review mirror that the police are there.

I loved this feeling.

I went home pumped up and blood running through my body. It was an amazing feeling. I went upstairs to change out of my bloody clothes.

When I was done I went downstairs into the living room to turn on the news and watch what they have to say about this.

"Breaking News, in Greenfield CA there was a massacre in the ******* elementary school. There are about 169 dead and 20 injured. One of the injured kids drew a sketch of what the serial killer looked like. Here is the sketch,

If you see the man who looks like this please call the police immediately

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If you see the man who looks like this please call the police immediately. Thank you, now onto weather-"

I turned off the TV and looked horrid in the reflection of the TV. "Oh my god...that kid didn't draw anything like me! Even Ale can do a better drawing of me," I said out loud.


It was time for me to get ready for bed. But when I was halfway up the stairs I smelt..a burnt wire. I ran into my room and turned on the light just to see something carved on the ceiling. It said " ሠዘልፕ ዕጎዕ ጎ ዕዐ? (what did I do)" I knew that it was her. But instead of the blood letters like in horror movies it was like writing with a sparking wire, it was all burnt.

She's coming for me, I just don't know when.

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