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Alex's POV

Bold: BD
Italic: Alex

Waking up makes me feel like a sack of shit. I didn't get any sleep last night because of..the scar..

Why is Dad like this.? Isn't he supposed to care for me? All main characters has a sad backstory! Oh it's you again..I thought you were just here for a day then you'll be gone by now. Well you thought wrong I'm here until the day you die! Wait..you said yesterday that I have until July 5th...does that mean?! I can't tell you anything! But right now you should get ready for school! SHIT I FORGOT

I started to get out of bed and racing to put on my favorite black hoodie, some ripped jeans, my black boots, and my green headphones.

I raced down the hallway and went into the garage to give Amy her food. After I gave Amy her food I went into the kitchen to make myself some waffles to eat.


I finished my food fast and I took off my headphones. I needed to find my brush quick so I tried to look around my room until I found my brush.

I grabbed it and started to comb my hair. After combing it I put back on my headphones and grabbed my backpack. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After all of that I rushed to the door waiting for dad to take me to school.

I made sure my hair was covering my bandages.

Dad went to the door seeing me wait for him. He noticed my hair on my eye. "Good plan, making sure no one could see your scar. Better not tell anyone I made that.." Dad said to me at the door. "I won't tell anyone s-sir." I said back to him.

"Good." He said

At school

Finally at school I see Max and Valeria waiting for me to return. They noticed me and ran to me. They hugged me welcoming me back. After the hug they noticed my hair. Max pointed it out first so he said, "Hey why is your hair covering your eye? I mean I get it you're emo but like-" "Max shut the fuck up I'm not that emo," I said to him. "And besides you're more emo then me, admit it." Valeria is just laughing in the background.

We were continuing our conversation until the bell rang so we had to go to our class. We'll meet each other at recess.

During class

Man Class is boring. Tell me about it. I hate being back in class I just want to play video games all day. Damnit BD why are you here?! And what do you mean about 'being back in class' and 'want to play video games all day' like were you human? Classified information. Anyways Glitch I'd pay attention to Miss Rodgers if I were you. Why? Because she's calling your name. Wait-

BD was right she was calling my name, what's worse is that I was glitching the whole time. "Alessandra!" She never calls me by my full name-. "What has gotten into you?! Why aren't you paying attention? This isn't like you!" Miss Rodgers asked me. I brushed it off. I was a good liar, learned it from dad. "Oh it's nothing! Sorry I was just dozing off because I didn't get enough sleep last night!" I said back to her acting tired.

She believed me and told me to stay focused. Stupid BD if only he didn't make me lose my focus.

At recess

Damn class was fast. I can't believe BD made me look like a fool in front of the class like that, what's worse is that I was glitching! I was walking to the grassy area looking for Valeria. I found her and we were having a bit of a conversation until Max came along.

"So Alex how come you were glitching in class? I knew you weren't focused because you couldn't sleep last night but dude, what was that?" Max said to me. "Wait she was glitching again?" Valeria asked Max. "Yes I was and I tend to zone out when I'm really tired," I lied again..I hate lying to them but I have to. "Well I hope you get better sleep tonight then how it was last night," Valeria said. I thanked her and we were all talking until the second person I hate came along..Alena.

"What do you want Alena?" I asked annoyed at her presence. "Yeah get lost no one wants you here you little Barbie brat" Max said snapping at her. Valeria doesn't have that much good comebacks so she just said "yeah scram!"

"Please like I'm gonna go away. I just came here to talk to Ale-" she got cut off by Max saying, "oh no not today sweetie, she's off limits today. Leave her alone and we won't have a bad time today." "Oh please like you scare me donut! Just go away," Alena said to Max.

That made Max snap. So he proceeded to hit her.

Damn is this what happens every time Alena comes to bother you guys? Unfortunately yes but last time was big enough for people to notice. Wow I almost feel bad, keyword Almost. Asshole.

I didn't notice I was glitching. Then I see Alena hitting Valeria while Max is being held back by Alena's gang.

Broken glass. Shards. The sounds of breaking glass and the shards dropping on the ground goes around my head like a sound.

I was glitching so badly Alena stopped to look at me like a freak. "I broke you once I can do it again...just this time you'll be sent to the hospital." I started to go up to Alena with crazy in my eye.

I guess Alena got scared and ran off along with her gang. They let Max go, and he fell onto the ground. I stopped in my tracks to help up Max. I hugged him. Then I went to get Valeria up back on her feet then checked to see if she had any bruises. She was okay. I smiled when I saw both of them fine. But my smile quickly went away when Max and Valeria looked at each other worried and nodded. They turned to look at me. "Alex..what was that?" Max asked. "What was what?" I asked confused. "That thing to make Alena scared of you! You never did that before!" Valeria told me. "I-I don't know what that was actually..am I crazy?" I said with a sad tone of voice. "You're not crazy just...umm..." Valeria tried finding the right words but nothing came to her mind. "You're just unpredictable," Max said.

"No you guys think I'm crazy..admit it." I said.

They hesitated to nod but they did. "I knew it." I said to myself. Tears started to roll out of my eye. I knew I was crazy.

Recess was over really quickly so I went to class to finish the rest of the day. Ready to go home already.

After school

Finally, school is over. I was the first one to leave class. I see Max catching up to me. "Listen whatever you wanna say just make it quick my dad is waiting for me," I say to him. "Alex, you're not crazy. You're perfect! You're the first person to make me feel like I am someone in this world. If you think you're crazy then hell I am to," Max said to me before he pulled me into a hug. I hugged back.

At home

Surprisingly things went well at home. When I went to go to my room I noticed dad bought himself a grey coat. He must finally want to be into fashion How much you wanna bet he's gonna get a blood stain on it?

Ah yes, I forgot he was still here. BD my cleaver yet annoying voice in my head.

Oh he's definitely gonna get blood on that

I didn't care that much. I went into my room and looked at myself in the mirror. I decided to take off the bandages.

I took them off and hesitated to look in the mirror but...I did. Seeing my right eye white..the scar going down all the way to my jaw. I wanted to cry. I did cry. All I ever wanted was a good father.

Guess I won't be having one...

Tomorrow's another day

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