Chapter 21: The Last Battel

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Chapter 21


"You're mated now and with child. This makes everything interesting." Lance said tightened around my wrist.

"You better let her go." Brian growled. I can tell that he is getting pissed. Talk about an over protective mate. That's so cute!!! Now is not the time to be losing track of the situation at hand. I look back at Lance then down to my wrist. His hold is starting to hurt my hand. I start to try to free my hand by pulling away but he only tightens his hold. So I get a great idea, I look at him with an evil grin spreading across my face. I materialize my other sword and stab it into his foot as hard as I can. Lucky for me it worked and he let me go and pushed me down to the ground. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain to come but instead of pain I felt arms wrap around me. I open my eyes to see that Brian is pulling me away from the situation that is unfolding. We didn't make it far because someone else grabs my leg. I let out a scream of pain, who ever grabbed my leg it felt like knives where their hand is. Brian tried to pull me away from them but had no luck. I looked up to see who it was only to find Lance himself. Brian and I got ready to attack when someone grabbed me from behind. It's just isn't my day. I spun around and almost stabbed Matt.

"What the hell, Matt?!?! I almost stabbed you, are you crazy?!?!"

"No I'm saving you. You don't need to be in any fight because you're pregnant. We have to protect the baby."

"Oh I can't believe I forgot my baby!"

"Well let's go Brian's got this under control." We started to run. When we finally stopped running we were in a room I haven't seen before. I feel safe in here for some reason. Matt was standing by the door staring at it.

"Matt where are we?"

"We are in the safe room. Dad built it to keep Jessica and Justin safe from the people that wanted to kill them and now it's to protect you. The pure bloods can't follow you in here."

"Ok that's good but does Brian know where we are?"

"Yes he does. He told me to bring you in here and wait till he comes to get you."


After Matt took Bell to the safe room I turned my full attention to Lance. He smiled at me wickedly Even though I can't shift I will kill him. I noticed Mason and Casey have shifted; they ran to my side and were ready to help at any cost. I looked back at Lance and my smile grew bigger.

"Look at the little mutts trying to protect the angel." He said.

They growled at him and I knew that he pissed them off. They jumped and bit at him but he easily dodged both of them. I jumped at him knowing that he was worried about the other two and not paying attention to me. He spun around to see me about to attack him. He grabbed my arm slamming me to the ground. I looked back at him and growled. I looked around to see that he was the last pure blood left and he is surrounded. This is going to be fun because he has no chance.

"You might as well give up. You're the only one left and we all want you dead. So your choices are to die or to leave and never come back..... Well on second thought it's better that you're dead."

"Then go ahead and kill me because I'm not going to stop."

As he said that an arrow shot from behind me and hit him in the arm. I knew why that arrow belonged to and that means she is being stubborn again. JUST GREAT! Everyone jumped at Lance at the same time. We have the advantage in this situation and I like it that way. Jessica and Justin had his arms, Daniel, Mason, and Casey had the rest of him. I stepped over him and looked into his eyes and smiled.

"Well say good bye to this life now."

"More will come and you know it."

"I don't think so!" As I said that I reached down and ripped his head off of his body.

Bell ran up to me and froze in her place. I grabbed her and put myself between her and the, now, pile of ashes. She looked at me and broke down into tears. "Brian please tell me everything is going to be alright please."

"Bell it will be alright because we won't let anything happen to you or our baby." I said calming her down. "I think it's time that you move in for good anyways. After all we have the room, you're my mate, and we are having a baby."

"Brian what am I going to do about school?"

"Well I think that Home schooling will be the answer to that and I will be here at all times with you as well."

"That sounds good for me that way we can take care of our little one."

"Yup. Well we need to start cleaning up this mess."

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