Chapter 7: Yay I got my wings

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Ok my loves here is chapter 7 my hands have been killing me but just for you and being bored I decided  to go ahead and finish this one


Chapter 7

Brian and Nick pushed me behind them getting ready to attack. "What is he doing here?" Brian spat.

"He is here to say sorry for what he did to Annabell." Timothy said.

"Who said I wanted him to say sorry! He tried to kill me. I don't want him anywhere near me. I think it's time he leaves because I don't think you even know the half of what he has done to me!"

"Mason go to the car. I need to talk to them alone." Timothy said. Mason looked at me with a smirk on his face. "Annabell I need you to tell me what all he has done."

"Well for one he destroyed my room at my house. Then he promised that he would get me. Also he had one of his goons try to kidnap me from here and he stabbed me with a knife that had poison on it. Now, because of him, I will be changing before my 18th birthday. So I will not except his sorry bull shit."

"I can understand that. I will talk to him about it."

"Ok but I don't think that will help."

"Well I have to get back to my house. I will talk to you later Gabriel." He walked out of the house.

What is going to happen now? Well now I'm bored. What can I do now? Ummmmm....... Oh I know what I can do! I'm going to go for a walk! Wait they wont let me do that. "Can I go for a walk? I'm bored!"

"I don't think that's a good idea." My dad said.

Just as i was going to say something I felt this pain shoot through my head. I was the worst pain I have ever felt. I hit the ground holding my head with my hands. I could feel my body start to shake then the pain went to my back where the scares are. I felt like the scars were ripping open. "WHAT THE FUCK!!!! MAKE IT STOP, IT HURTS SO FUCKING BAD!"

"Bell, I need you to lie down on your stomach. Your wings are trying to come out."

I listened and lay down and I felt something rip through my scars. All I could do was scream it hurt so bad I couldn't stand it. Then as fast as it came the pain went away. I just laid there shaking on the floor. "What just happened?"

"Bell you just got your wings. You need to look at me and tell me if you can see my wings."

I looked up at my dad and it was amazing he had a set of beautiful wings. I sat up staring at his wings then I turned my head to see my wings. They are amazing; they are so white and fluffy. I looked at Brian and smiled. He let out a breath and picked me up bridal style.

"Do you like them? Brian, carry her to the back yard I need to get her bands to show up on her wrist."My dad smiled.

"What bands?"

"They are like mine they can materialize a sward or a bow into your hand. They will be your weapons I will show you what they look like when we get outside."

"Ok. This is going to be awesome!" I yelled. Brian carried me out back and sat me down next to him in the grass. I sat there playing with my feathers.

"Quit messing with them you'll pull them out. That might just hurt."

"My wrist is starting to burn Brian. Go get my dad! It's starting to get bad." I looked at my wrists and just started as the burning got worse. Then out of nowhere my wrists started to get a blue band on them. It was a baby blue band on both wrists. That's not right my dad only has one why do I have two? The burning stopped and my dad came running out of the house towards me. "DAD I THINK SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH ME!!! I HAVE TWO INSTEAD OF ONE IS THAT BAD?"

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