chapter 4: The date

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Chapter 4

I was walking through the woods. How did I get out here and where is here? I hear a stick snap behind me and jump. Spinning around to see where the sound came from when I hear a growl. I take off running away from it. What the hell was that? As long as it doesn't get me I'm fine. I just need to keep running, come on Bell run faster. I hear a snarl that stops me in my tracks. Where is it? I can hear it but where is it? Why won't it stop moving and show its self?

"W..Who is t..there?"

"Your worst nightmare!"

I spun around to meet a pair of bright yellow eyes. I jumped out of my skin and started running again. I tripped over a root and screamed. I rolled over to see those yellow eyes on top of me. I let out a high pitch scream.

"Bell, wake up! WAKE UP YOUR HAVING A NIGHTMARE WAKE UP!" Brian yelled shaking me.

I woke up panting and covered in a cold sweat. I grabbed a hold of Brian and started to cry. He sat there holding me with his arms wrapped around me cradling me. "You're ok Bell. I'm right here, you're safe now. It was just a dream."

"I'm sorry if I woke you up."

"It's ok I was up already. I heard you fighting in your sleep then you screamed and I came running in here. I thought you were in trouble but you were still asleep so I woke you up. Do you want to talk about your dream?"

I told him everything that happened in my dream and slowly calmed down. Lying in his arms I felt safe and I knew he wouldn't let anything hurt me. "Can you stay here with me tonight? I don't think I can go back to sleep."

"Yes Bell i will stay with you by your side tonight."

"Is she ok?" Zack said walking into the game room.

"She is fine now but she wants to sleep with me tonight if that is ok dad?"

"Yes that's fine with me. As long as you two don't do anything. Just remember I can hear everything that goes on in this house."

"Ok dad don't worry I'm not going to do anything with her except get her to sleep."

"Ok kids back to bed."

I looked up and noticed that everyone was looking at me. We walked up stares into Brian's room it was huge. It has dark blue walls with a king size bed in the middle of the room that has black sheets and blankets on it.

"Your room is huge." I took off running and belly flopped onto the bed giggling like a little kid. I looked up and saw an amused smile on his face.

"I'm glad you like my bed." He crawled onto the bed next to me and covered us up. He pulled me into his chest. "Good night Annabell."

"Good night Brian and thank you for being here for me."

"That's my job love." I smiled and laid my head on his chest. His heart beat put me straight to sleep.

I woke up to the sun shining through the window. I looked around not sure where I'm at but all the memories flood back to me all at once. I look up to see a sleeping Brian; he looks so peaceful and happy. As I laid there watching him sleep an idea blossomed. I smiled and lifted myself up eye level to him and placed a kiss on his for head then both cheeks.

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