Chapter 11: the escape!! or is it??

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Ok this is not the last one just to let you know bwahahahahaha I'm evil!!! please comment and vote!!!!!!!

I love you all my little readers!!!!


Chapter 11


It's been three days and we still haven't found her. I'm so worried I can't even sleep. I decided to just stay in the living room that way I can see everyone that enters or leaves this house. All I can think about is my Bell; I never knew I could miss someone so much in my life.

"Brian?" Nick walked in the room.

"Ya what is it?"

"How are you holding up?"

"Well I can't stop thinking about her. I'm so worried I can't stand it."

"Well we picked up on her scent and it led to a cabin in the woods. It's heavily guarded by at least 20 wolves or more. We are expecting everyone to be here today. Then we can attack and get her back."

"Good." I jumped off the couch.

There was a knock at the door and I ran to it. When I opened the door there was a big group of people were standing there looking at me. "Come in everyone. Make your way to the living room we have good news."

"Well, well, well I haven't seen you in a while Brian." There stood Trent, he is a Greek worrier known as a Trojan and an immortal. He is about 6'8" and had ice blue eyes. He always has two swards on his back. His long silver hair is down to his chin. His body is the age of a 21 year old but he is actually over 300 years old.

"Hello Trent long time no see. I'm glad that you are here to help us save my mate."

"I'm glad you finally have a mate. Now let's get to business and go save the angel. Oh ya just to let you know our world know about her. She is in even more danger now but that's the least of our worries at the moment. Let's just get the angel back."

"Trent her name is Bell."

"Oh ok sorry I didn't know." He said walking into the living room. I called everyone else that was here into the living room. It was packed; there are at least 30 people in here.

"Ok everyone we know the location of Annabell and its surrounded by 20 or more wolves." My dad informed us. "We will be heading out tonight to get her back. We will kill anyone that threatens us."

"Let's just keep with the plan. When one of you gets into the house, use your telepathy to let everyone know. You will come into contact with Mason and his Bata Casey. Leave Mason for me I want him to suffer for taking my mate. Bell will be every ones top priority. Get her out of that house and to a safe distance away from the wolves." I added.

"Alright let's get to it. We will head out now and set up camp. Its a little ways away from here so it will be a trip."


Wow I can't believe it's been three days and I haven't even tried to escape. I have a feeling that tonight will be the night to try to run or fly. As I sat on my temporary bed I can't help but to think about Brian. I wonder what he is doing right now. Is he going to save me? I just want to get out of here. Mason is annoying as hell but I'm doing a great job at getting them mad at me. After three days they have finally left me alone and just let me be. I just want to cry I miss my mom and dad. I even miss Nick and he gets on my nerves but most of all I miss Brian. How could I have fallen so fast for him? I do love him and I never want to leave him but here I am away from him. I wonder if he even knows where I am.

"Queen, are you hungry?" Mason asked. Yes they call me queen because I'm just that awesome and they are my slaves. *Evil laugh*

"What do you think? I'm always hungry now fix me food slave!"


I wonder how long it will take for him to fall asleep today. He hasn't slept for a while neither has Casey. Casey is in his room asleep but when Mason falls asleep I'm going to run. "Do you ever sleep?"

"Yes, but I have to listen to you all the time so it's hard to get any sleep around here."

"Oh by the way, where are we?"

"I'm not going to tell you that but I will tell you that it's pretty far from town."

Well damn it! "Hey monkey licker hurry up with my food and I will be good and let you sleep."

"I'm not going to sleep."

I wonder if I can put him to sleep. Maybe if I sing for him he will sleep. He brought me a plate of food and sat down next to me on the couch. It's show time!!! I started to hum a song that my mom always used to get me to sleep. Mason sat there and I noticed he was fighting his sleep. I started to play with his hair and he went right to sleep. I got up after ten minutes just to make sure he was out of it. I opened Casey's door to see if he was still asleep. I looked in and he was out of it at least I hope he was. There was a loud bang outside and I spun around to see a girl walk in the house. She was panicking and ran straight to Mason waking him up. WELL FUCK!!!!!


"Kelly calm down who is here?" Just then there was a roar from outside and someone grabbed me around my waist. This was it it's time to fight back. I spun around and materialized my swards. I was face to face with Casey he was smiling at me. OH MY MONKEY BALLS THAT'S CREEPY!!!!! "LET ME GO YOU CREEPER!! YOU AND YOUR PUPPIES ARE JUST CREEPY!!"

"Not a chance."

"You're going to be sorry for that."

"Oh, really?"

"Yup you are a salve and I will call you DICKY DICKERSON!!" As soon as I screamed that something hit the house and it shook. "OH BANANA PEELS!" Something big was outside hitting the house. I got out of Casey's death grip and ran to the window to look outside. The first person I saw was my NICKY-POOH!!!!!! "YAY NICKY-POOH YOU DO MISS ME!!!! SAVE ME MY ROYAL GUARD!!!!!" I yelled out the broken window with my hands waving around like I am a mad woman. He looked at me and smiled at me. YAY HE SAW ME!!!! Then something hit the house again and the roof started to fall in. I should be panicking at this point but I'm too worried on what is hitting the house. "NICKY-POOH WHAT IS HITTING THE HOUSE?!?! ITS MAKING THE ROOF CAVE IN!!!!" Just as I said that a big piece of wood fell separating me from the others. I took that chance to jump out the window.

As soon as I jumped out I was in a battle field. Just my luck! I ran after Nick and grabbed his arm and killed the wolf that was biting him. "NICKY-POOH I MISSED YOU!!!!!!! I WANNA GO HOME. TAKE ME HOME ROYAL GUARD!!! OH YA WHERE IS BRIAN?!!?!"

"He is in the fight; he knows that you are with me."

Just then someone grabbed me and I screamed. "LET GO OF ME YOU-" As I said that I spun around to see a set of ice blue eyes. "OH MY GOSH YOUR THE JOLLY GREEN GIANT!!!!"

"No, my name is Trent; I'm here to take you to safety."

"Nope, your new name is Giant. So get me out of here Giant!" He picked me up and took off running. I wonder sense they are able to mind talk can I? 'Mic check 123 mic check!?!?! Brian can you hear me??'

'Bell I never thought I would ever hear your beautiful voice again!'

'Well I missed you to but I made a new friend! His name is Trent but I'm calling him Giant!'

'Ok my love just stay with him he will keep you safe I love you Bell'

'I love you to Brian'


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