Year 4 chapter 13

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5th December 1994
DADA classroom

(I have finally found it and I forgot when this lesson was supposed to be so I shall just yeet it here

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(I have finally found it and I forgot when this lesson was supposed to be so I shall just yeet it here.)
"Alastor moody, ex auror, ministry malcontent, and your new defence against the dark arts teacher."
Harry snickered when he randomly threw the chalk to the side, accidentally hitting Ron on the head.
"I'm here because dumbledore asked me. End of story, goodbye. The end. Any questions?"
"I like this teacher."
Draco whispered, Harry nodding in agreement.
"He's funny."
"Indeed, as much as I miss Remus moody seems a bit less enthusiastic which is extremely funny."
"He's much better than gilderoy for sure."
"Of course Theo."
"Anyone would be better than that dumb blonde, stupid book."
"If I'm stupid what are you? Extinct?"
"When it comes to the dark arts, I believe in a practical approach. First, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?"
Hermione being the only smart gryffindor and even if there were more the only one who would volunteer, answered.
"Three sir."
"And they're so named?"
"Because they are unforgivable. The use of any one of them-"
"will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban. Correct."
"Does Voldemort look anywhere close to Azkaban?"
Blaise whispered, and they all tried to hide their laughter. But it was unnecessary because all Hogwarts Teachers are deaf.
"Now the ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. I say different! You need to know what you're up against. You need to be prepared, you need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the underside of your desk mr finnigan."
The slytherin and ravenclaw side filled with giggles and some 'traitor' gryffindors also laughed as seamus flushed with embarrassment.
"The old codger can see out of the back of his head."
Pansy heard seamus say before wow catastrophe.
Moody took the chalk he had and threw it at him. All the unfortunate ones in the way all ducked to avoid the projectile.
"And hear across classrooms! So, which curse shall we see first. Weasley!"
Ron looked horrified that he was called, shrinking back into his seat as moody stood in front of him.
"Yes, stand. Give us a curse."
He stood up on shaky legs, quivering like a leaf in the wind.
"That's what you call unlucky."
"Poor unfortunate souls~"
"Pansy I see your singing has not improved."
"Well, my dad told me about one. The imperious curse?"
"Yeah your father would know all about that. Gave the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why."
Moody went back to his desk and pulled out a spider.
He cooed as it crawled onto his hand.
The whole class jolted as it grew large, it's beady eyes staring at them. The class was freaking out, terrified that he was going to show them the curses. And there were the slytherins, fidgeting in their seats in excitement.
He yeeted it over to Ron and Jonas' table, both of them backing away from the arachnid.
And Crabbe was also unlucky because moody levitated it over to his head and he sobbed in fear.
"Don't worry, completely harmless"
One of the girls laughed until he moved it over to her hand, and she immediately held it away from her like it was a snake. And he held it over Ron's head, only to add the words.
"If she bites, she's lethal."
He laughed creepily at Ron's face.
"What are you laughing at?"
Harry yelped as it landed on draco's face, before laughing as he pulled it off. Draco looked at him like he was his hero, which in this case he was, holding the spider and passing it to Millicent who, for some reason had mini dance shoes for it. Unfortunately moody called it back, Millicent slumping in disappointment.
"Talented isn't she? What shall I have her do next? Jump out of teh window?"
The spider smacked against the glass, now hovering above a pail of water.
"Drown herself?"
The laughter stopped when they realised he actually was going to kill it. Harry, who was near the spider, could actually smell its fear as it writhed above the water.
He called it back, but now none of the students were smiling.
"Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did you know who's bidding under the influence of the imperious curse. But here's the rub-how do we sort out the liars? Another another. Come on, longbottom is it? Professor sprout tells me you have an aptitude for herbology."
"There's the cruciatus curse."
"Correct correct, come come. Take a little nasty. The torture curse. Crucio."
"I take back what I said about him not being enthusiastic."
The squeals and cries of the spider was heard by everyone as it wriggled and squirmed on the table. Neville was shaking, trying not to look at it as he was reminded of his parents. Pansy had a disgusted look while daphne was calmly blocking her ears.
"Stop it! Cant you see it's bothering him? Stop it!"
Hermione yelled, standing up.
"Now I know why she's in gryffindor."
Moody only seemed to now see the discomfort on his face and stopped the torture.
The spider attempted to crawl away now that the pain was no longer being forcefully inflicted. Moody picked up the spider and put it on hermione's book. Neville was still standing there, rooted to the floor.
"Perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse, miss granger."
"Harry what are you doing?"
Draco asked as Harry pulled out some feathers from his quill.
Hermione immediately shook her head and moody sighed.
"Avada kedavra."
The green light came out at point blank range but Harry had timed it exactly right, the small feathers blocking the spider from the curse and keeping it alive. Draco who had gotten the hint quickly cast a stupefy so the spider could pass off as dead.
"The killing curse. Only one person was known to have survived it and he's sitting in this room."
Harry noticed something strange, even though moody appeared to be looking at Jonas, his eyeball was looking directly at him.
Since nobody was looking, daphne quickly levitated the spider over, passing the presumed dead animal to Harry, who gently put it in his pocket.
"Don't you dare eat it uma."
"Wasn't thinking of it, but you better give me some meat later."
"Actually Harry let your snake eat it maybe the spider's legs will impale her throat and kill her."
"You try it first book."
"No one is touching this spider except for me draco and daphne."
Uma groaned as she slid out of his robe, curling up under the table where there was more space.

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