Chapter 1

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-The 2nd Temple of the Celestial Sphere-

This place is Heaven's 2nd Temple, Where normal Angelic beings Don't live but Healing Angels, Battle angels, and Administrators Stay.


It was a Peaceful Morning in Heaven's 2nd Main Temple not until...

"Sana! Why you little-"

"Owie...My ears!" She groaned and covered them because Someone ruined her Sleep by Screaming close to Her Ears

When she realized who it was She tried to play Dumb "O-Oh my, Senior Kyungsoo! What brings you here?"

"Why are you not Praying inside the Temple like you're Supposed to?" 'Kyunsoo' Gritted his teeth, Sana only awkwardly laughed

"You probably didn't even get to sleep reading all those books from the Human world!" She was flabbergasted because his Senior administrator knew about it

"If you want to read books that much, There's a library here at the Temple you could go to."

"Nah~ Too boring, Stuffy old Fashioned Books written by Grandpas." She scoffed "They're not as Thrilling, Interesting or as Erotic as the One's Humans have!"

Kyungsoo facepalmed before roaming his eyes around the Place "What should I even do with you..." Then his eyes caught something before smirking

He pointed at it as Sana also glanced to where he was pointing"Look at that angel, She is Praying with such a Faithful and Solemn look And you're just Sleeping here!! You're bothering her, Can you at least try not to Interrupt her?!" Then the said angel Turned to him

"Administrator, You're being too loud! You're the one bothering the Prayer!" She huffed

"A-ah, Sorry...Continue with your Prayer." He whispers making the Angle roll her Eyes, Sana was just silently watching Their exchange while trying to hold her Laugh, A giggle escaped making Kyungsoo turn red in Embarrassment

"Why are you laughing-" As he turned to Sana she was already Running to the Exit of the Temple

"Why are you Running away!?" He yelled after her before sighing

"Sana! Don't forget the things I've told you to do in the Human world." He reminded as Sana just replied with a Thumbs up before finally exiting the Temple

"That girl..." He scoffed again

"Administrator, I really can't Focus on the Prayer. I think I'll pray for You to leave now." The Angel said in Monotone without even glancing at Him

"...Sorry, I'll just go Away myself." The Boy cried as he walked Away

"Thank you." Then she went back to praying


"Mh, Perfect landing." Sana praised herself because She just jumped about 10 steps of Stairs with a Perfect landing

"Now then, Let's go meet My devil!" She ran to Her and her beloved's Usual meeting Place not Until she Saw a Familiar face sparring with another Angel.

"Oh, Miss Mina!" She slowed down her pace and Waved to Mina, The latter took a Second to look around until she saw the girl then Waved back elegantly

"Where are you hurrying to, Sha?" The Blonde girl Asked, still in a fighting stance.

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