Chapter 2

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It was about already Past dinner Time when a Young Office worker was still at His desk

"As I said I couldn't do anything against it. You think I did it because I want to or Something? I'm going to be very Busy, So please cut me Some slack Today." A Boy that was barely in legal age to work in a company said in a Monotonous voice as he was speaking to someone on the Phone

"Yeah, Okay, Let's just break u—"

"Wha— What did you just say?!" A vein appeared on his forehead as he heard what the Other person on the Line said

"You're the worst!" a high pitched voice from the Phone yelled, he had to keep his phone away from her ear or he's afraid it might Break soon

"I don't get what you're Saying, Explain it again to me," he said seriously while gripping his desk

"So you're gonna keep acting innocent like that? Fine. My mind has already been set Anyways. I'm just going to say this one more time, Let's break up." The feminine voice didn't even let him get a chance to speak

"I'm so sick of you pretending not to know! I saw it clearly with my own two eyes, Have a nice life with that Whore!" His eyes almost busted out of their sockets at what she said, But before he could retort or explain, The Line went off.

'Damn it, Damn it, Damn it! What have I done?!' He cursed himself then slammed his desk almost breaking it

'Now I can't concentrate on work! Geez, What should I do? This is even harder than finishing the Routes in Visual Novels...' He continued grumbling inside his Mind not until an Airy voice interrupted him

"Go to her and Apologize, Then repair the Love between you and Her~" An angelic Voice suggested behind him

"Yeah, I should do that—" His soul almost went out of His body when he realized he should be the only one in the Building right now, He drastically turned around and was ready to smack the hell out of Who or What was behind him.

He went face to face with a Blinding White light and a Siluet of a Woman

"Argh! My eyes!" He groaned as he covered his Eyes

"Oh, Sorry...I guess my Halo was way too bright." The Woman said nonchalantly

"W-Wait a minute, My Eyes..." He cried out and began shaking in Anger, The Guy turned to her with his eyes still closed and began scolding her

"Are you nuts!? Shining that bright-ass flashlight right into my Eyes, I nearly became blind!" He raged but then Opened his eyes slowly, The sight before him should be one in the History books.

"Are you nuts!? Shining that bright-ass flashlight right into my Eyes, I nearly became blind!" He raged but then Opened his eyes slowly, The sight before him should be one in the History books

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"It wasn't a Flashlight but still, I'm Sorry. it wasn't my Intention." Sana said with a warm smile


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