Chapter 7

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-A Few days later-

-Middle earth's Garden-

Middle earth is situated between the Upper and lower Regions or as Occupying the Center of the Universe. Basically in between earth and Heaven, and Way above hell.

Just think of it as an Invisible floating island that only Angels(and sometimes Devils) Can enter

The Devil was Humming a tune she learned because of the Piano lessons she got taught by Someone close as she caressed and Admired the Blooming roses of Middle earth's garden, Carefully treating any unwanted Sabotagement in their growth

"Tzuyu-ah!" She jolted when a High pitched voice called from behind her, But she took a deep breath and turned to the all too familiar Voice with a cold face

"Hellooo~" Sana greeted with a bright smile as She curled her fingers in an elegant wave, But she sighed when Tzuyu wasn't planning on greeting her back

No reaction. Cold.

Tzuyu only scoffed and rolled her eyes at Sana's attempt to Talk to her, She decided to walk away with Sass

"Tzuyu! Did you know that we didn't say anything to Eachother for 3 days, 7 hours, and 25 minutes?" Sana cried as she tried to catch up with the Taller one, almost every step from Tzuyu was Twice of Sana's because of her long legs

"I know." Tzuyu deadpanned 'Don't talk to me you asshole, After when you left me Sore and Angry days ago. It still hurts you dumbass!'

Sana just kept dramatically pouting and sobbing like she was in a TV drama "Nuuu~ I'll feel so useless without Tzuyu-ah..." She rubbed her upper arm and pretended she was Cold, But Tzuyu just kept walking and ignoring her

'Fine, I'll be careful next Time...' Sana pretty much knew why Tzuyu was being like that since She scolded her, The reason Sana kind of left her there was because the Thrones asked for her, Asap.

What would you expect from being one of the Powers? Always Busy.

Thrones - Angels that are the Keepers of Celestial Records and hold the Knowledge of God

Powers - They take orders from the Angels above and Convert them into Miracles for the Deserving. They make Themselves known to us in their Earthly form, Powers Work with love and Blessing.

Sana was still sulking because Tzuyu kept ignoring her Every since,

Her eyes drifted to the Flowers Tzuyu were taking care of just Moments ago, They were almost in full bloom—But that didn't stop them from being as Breathtaking and beautiful

"To plant such an Ethereal flower in this season...Pretty, But just as jagged." She mumbled with a small smile,

But it soon faltered when she accidentally Touched the Rose's Thorns, She cringed at the drop of blood that fell from her Finger

"Ouch..." She said while pouting, Tzuyu had somehow heard it even if she was about a few meters away from her

Tzuyu turned around and sighed when she saw Sana pouting with blood on her Finger "How could you even live without me...Fool." She mumbled then facepalmed

The Devil walked to her to try and check on the small wound, They were still girlfriends after all. Even with the Whole 'ignoring Sana' thing.

The angel was shook when she felt someone holding her Wrist gently, but relaxed when she saw Tzuyu "What are you looking at?" The woman said sternly, She realized she was Staring and turned away,

She blushed and muttered "N-Nothin—" But she didn't finish when Tzuyu lowered her Mouth on her Bleeding finger, Licking it.

Her warm muscle caressing slowly around the bleeding area, If turning into a literal Tomato would be possible—Sana would actually be one because of how red she became because of the Sudden action

"Tzuyu, When did you even become so good at tongue licking like this~?" Sana slurred, in a Daze. She placed her other Pointer finger on her lip and seductively Chuckled

W-What is she even talking about now?!'' The latter's eyes went wide as She 'Accidentally' Bit Sana's finger harshly, 'Look at what you did Tzuyu. It bled more.' She released the finger From her lips,  A Trail of Saliva connecting the two.

The devil blushed when she saw this kind of Appeal, But gave a deadly glare to Sana who was ready to dig her Grave than to feel Tzuyu's wrath

"Sorry! I was only Joking Tzuyuuuu~" Sana tried to console the girl who was Already breathing hard like a Bull

"Do not joke with me! It's not funny!" She glared harder

"I-I was building tension without even knowing it! Don't be angry..." She tried to give her Her best Shiba eyes, Which worked.

Sana was cheering inside 'Yes! No one can Resist this Cuteness!' She smirked

She was getting really hoping she would say Yes "So I guess...You're not gonna ignore me anymore?"

Tzuyu scoffed because she knows Sana would just bug her Until she cracks "Whatever, Just don't do anything Stupid...Or basically trip on air and Accidentally light a Mall on fire." She glared and crossed her arms

'She knows me so well...' Sana cried in her mind

'Why am I your girlfriend again?' Now it was Tzuyu's turn to doubt her Tastes in women, She shook her head

Sana started to giggle uncontrollably while Clutching tightly on Tzuyu's hand, The latter chuckled at Sana's infectious laugh as they both exited Middle earth together

Tzuyu stared at Sana adoringly, Like she was the most precious piece of Art that could even beat the Mona Lisa

'Yeah, That's right. I love you! That's why.' She smiled to herself as she Looped her Fingers around Sana's hand lovingly



Just a filler because I start Karate Tomorrow,

I hope I don't die because of how Unathletic my Body became because of Quarantine. Oh gosh, Wish me luck!

Not the break a leg please, It might literally happen😭

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