Chapter 12

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-Gillfost Waterfall-

Tzuyu was Humming the Same tune as the Last time as she and Sana submerged both of their Feet in the Lake's water, The sound of the waterfall Hitting the rocks resonating behind them.

"Hey, Look at this!" Tzuyu poked Sana's Side making the Girl flinch because she was Ticklish "The fish is swimming  around my Feet!" If Tzuyu didn't have that Tall ass Height, Sana would think she's Ten because of her Behavior

"Oh? Then you must be Delicious." Sana broke out the Perverted Jokes, But since Tzuyu was too Innocent and too focused on the Fish, She missed it.

"Fishy is so cuuutttee~" Tzuyu cheered like a Child with an 'o' Face. "Do you think it would Go away if I moved?" The Asmodian asked the girl Next to her

"You're afraid It'll Swim away if you moved? Aww, Such a Cutie." Sana cooed Teasingly, The Asmodian Giggled and went with the Flow "Am I now?" The Elyos smoothly agreed by Nodding

"Then I won't move then." She shrugged, trying to pet the Fish with her Big Toe. Resulting for the Fish to Swim away. Tzuyu pouted. "Maybe I'm not edible at all." She mumbled

Sana chuckled and Leaned forward, Randomly Pecking Tzuyu on the Cheeks. She retreated while Laughing when Tzuyu slapped her on the Arm "Ehehehe, Sorry~" Sana teased with a Smirk

But it fell when she saw how Serious Tzuyu was(Despite the Blush)

She bit the inside of her Cheek, Feeling guilty because She forgot Tzuyu needed Consent for things "I'm sorry, Was that Too Sudden—"

The Elyos widened her eyes when she suddenly felt Something Warm pressing against her Lips. It was only for a few seconds but it was enough for her to feel butterflies inside her Stomach. When Tzuyu leaned away, Sana pouted in Dismay, Wanting for the kiss to continue.

"Yah," Sana whined with a Gigantic pout. The Asmodian only chuckled, A Smirk present that was more than enough to send Sana on an Overdrive "Do it again, Please!" She pleaded like a Child asking for Candy

"When have you ever Asked me before?"

Right. Tzuyu says they Need consent for Things. But not Sana. She can do whatever she wants with her, And Tzuyu would enjoy every second.

The Asmodian stared at Sana with Half-lidded eyes As Sana smirked devilishly, An Image unfit for an Angel such as Herself. "If that's the case," She trailed off, Leaning forward, Puckering her lips and trying to Capture Tzuyu's Lips against her Own

Keyword: Tried

Because she didn't even get a Taste of the Younger's when Tzuyu suddenly got distracted "Oh! Sana, Look over there!" Tzuyu cheered, Sana just huffed and Slammed her head on Tzuyu's shoulder "There are flowers Blooming on the Rocks above the Water!"

"Let's go look!" The Asmodian stood up, Pushing Sana off her. The said girl punched the ground Frustratingly, Herself too in the Process "Okay, What kind of flowers??" You can basically hear the Frustration in Sana's voice 

The Elyos Stood up begrudgingly, Following Tzuyu to where she was heading. "Maybe we can step on the Rocks to get there," Tzuyu murmured lowly

"Yes, It'll be fun You say~" Sana mocked, Still sulking about earlier. Tzuyu smirked at her And Carefully stepped on the Stones that were scattered across the River, Leading to the Flowers she mentioned

"Be careful, The rocks are Slippery—"

But Sana being the Dumbass she is, Thought it was Okay to Jump on the Slippery Rocks. It really wasn't. Like, Really.

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