My baby boys sick

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Sarah POV:

Something woke me up in the middle of the night, groggily I look around and notice Seth was missing. I frown as I heard a noise coming from the bathroom. I get up to go see what he was doing but right as I entered I saw him heave into to toilet. My eyes look at him softly as I kneel next to him and rub his back. He stops and sighs as he relaxes into my arms and says,

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."

I shake my head as I kiss the top of his head and mumble,

"Its ok baby, when did you start feeling sick?"

He groaned as he tucked his head into my neck and whispers,

"A little after dinner last night, my stomach was rolling slightly but I just waved it off. I been up and down for the last 3 hours though."

I run a hand through his hair as my heart aches as it always does when he isn't feeling well or hurt. His arms loosely come around my waist and clings to me. After a few minutes of sitting there he mumbles,

"I think I'm ok, at least for a bit anyways."

I nod as I help him up and into the bed, as I was getting him comfortable our bedroom door opens. I turn to see our son standing there looking pale, my eyes widen as I rush over to him. I sink to my knees and place my hands on his face and ask,

"What's wrong baby?"

He whimpers before he throws up all over me, my stomach turns but I ignore it as he starts crying. I wipe the tears away as they fall and I whisper,

"Hey hey, it's ok baby. Do you have to get sick again or are you done?"

He shakes his head no and looks at his daddy, I softly say,

"If your done then go lay with daddy for a bit."

I see Seth sit up slightly and opens his arms. He runs to him and climbs into his arms and clings to him. Seth looks up at me with a pained look and I knew I had the same look on my face. We both hated it when our baby boy was sick. I nod my head towards the bathroom and he nods back, I grab some clothes and grab a trash can and place it by the both of them. I smile at them softly as Seth was laying on his back and had our son laying on his chest as he rubbed his back. I go and take the clothes off and shower quickly before I get dressed and go clean up the mess on the floor before I climb into bed and wrap my sleeping boys into my arms. The rest of the night I hardly slept as it seems as every time I'd fall asleep I'd be woken up to one of them getting sick. 

As the sun came up both of them were sleeping soundly making me hope the worst was over. I tiredly sat up and climbed out of bed to go get something bland for them to eat and hopefully keep down. As I was making some yogurt and granola my own stomach lurched. I was able to fight it off and shakily sigh as I continue. I knew I wasn't sick, I had found out 2 days ago I was pregnant again but was waiting till tomorrow for our date night to tell him. I smile softly as I rest a hand on my lower stomach for a minute before I pick up their food and take it upstairs. They were both sitting up against the headboard and smile tiredly at me. Seth was holding our son to his chest still while he was curled up to his daddy on his lap. I walk over to them and hand them the food and softly say,

"You may not feel like it boys but you need to eat something for me ok?"

They both whine but take the food and start eating. I relax as I close my eyes and try to settle my own stomach because the last thing I need is my son thinking he got me sick. As I was busy doing that Seth noticed me sitting there with my eyes closed and a hand on my stomach and frowned in worry. He softly told our son to go rest in his room for a while, as he did that Seth pulls me into his arms as my eyes open and look up at him. He looks down at me in worry as he pushes some hair behind my ear and asks,

"We didn't get you sick, did we?"

I smile softly at him but as I shake my head no my stomach lurches and I couldn't stop it this time. I leap up out of bed and run to the bathroom as last night's dinner came rushing back up. Right as my stomach lurched again I felt Seth kneel down next to me and help hold my hair back. Some time between the next few rounds our son came in and in almost tears asks,

"Did I get mommy sick?"

I look over at him and my heart hurts from the look on his face, I shakily say,

"No baby, not you or your daddy got me sick. I'm not sick I promise."

But right as I said that I heaved a few times before my stomach finally calmed down. I tiredly lean against Seth as my eyelids started to droop, and he started to rub my back as he was talking to our son. Somehow he got him to go lay back down and he carried me to our bed. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. When I wake up I was alone but felt a lot better, I grab my phone and see I had a text from one of Seth's friends asking if he was as sick as he was. I sent a response saying both him and our son are, and it must have been from going to the arcade yesterday. I get up and head downstairs to see them playing video games on the couch. I smirk and as I ask,

"Seth are you really letting our 3 year old son play Zombie Slayer?"

They both jumped and turned to see me, my son jumps off the couch and tuns to me saying,

"Mommy mommy, you look way better now!"

I pick him up with a laugh and tickle him as I say,

"Why thank you little man! Told you I was ok!"

As he was laughing up a storm I could see Seth looking at me with a frown. After a few minutes Seth and I were alone as our son was off somewhere playing. I bite my lip as I know he wants to know what was going on, so I think and come up with a idea. I stand up before sitting in his lap making him look at me in shock as his hands come up to my hips. I smile down at him and take his left hand and gently place it on my already rock hard stomach and say,

"I'm not sick, I promise. It's something else making me that way, a way I have only been once before."

He blinks a few times before his jaw drops as his eyes drop down to where his hand was. He gently starts feeling around my soon to be baby bump and stutters,

"Your pregnant? We are gonna have another baby? Are you serious?"

I nod as my smile grows and tears gather in my eyes as he stands us up and falls to his knees and starts kissing my stomach. He stands up and pulls me into a kiss as he spins us around. I laugh as he sits me back down on the ground and I see our son run in looking confused. I smile at him and motion him over as Seth bends down to pick him up. And as one we group hug, Seth and I look at each other and just glow in happiness. And I know at first I wasn't sure I'd be a good mom or even if I'd ever be able to have kids but I'm so glad I'm building a family with this amazing man that I call my husband. Soon it will more then just me and my boys.

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