"Captains Outrageous...Helena..."

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"Captains Outrageous…"

Summary: Strictly and utterly for fun. Imagining our favorite seestras as Captains of the Federation flagship.

Disclaimer: No copy write infringement intended…



Refugee Center #12…

"I like this…" Helena, nodding at the turkey leg in her hand, smiling at the grizzled fiftyish refugee in a mashup of old colonial and newly donated Terran clothing across from her whom she'd invited to act as a shield/share her dining experience. Offering a dilithium reader with light as a thanksyou for helping shy refugee person, frightened among so many strangers.

"It beats the stuff we had coming out of Vorta Six…" the man shrugged, chewing at his own turkey wing on plate. "Where did you hail from?" he eyed her closely. "That's a Romulan accent you got."

"The Ukraina colony near the Romulan part of the border, very good ear you got, mister." she beamed. "But maybe I prefers not to have people know this? Could make trouble for me, some people have prejudice, old grudges, yes?"

"None of my business." He noted, firmly, looking behind him for a moment after catching her stare across the room.

"Is that yer sister?" he looked at her. "Twins?"

"Hmmn-hmmn…" she nodded. "But I am blonde black sheep of family…I was smuggler in Cardassian space, very naughty. Sestra didn't want me near my little niece. Bad influence…" shrug. "But I am turning leaf, yes? So I find out where their group was brought, got put in their transport, hope to make the amends, yes?" wan smile.

"It can be hard…" the man nodded carefully. "My wife left when I wouldn't leave the colonies…Said I was nothing but a bum who liked bein' a bum." Short laugh, smile. "She was right, too."

"You come here, to find her…?" Helena eyed him.

"She and the girl were killed by the Cardassians when there was fighting on the sector border after the Cardassians sealed it after the Romulans came into colonial territory…" he noted, grim calm.

"I'm sorry…"

"It happens…Nothing to be done. But it did cure me of wanting to wander the stars, I guess there's that." He looked away, glancing back again.

"So, the little one's your niece…" he said, noncommittally. "And you're part Romulan…?"

I don't likes the way this conversation be going…Helena thought, a bit concerned, trying to read the man's set, weathered face.

"But not Cardassian…" she quickly noted. "I always overcharged them…" wan smile.

He nodded…Setting down his wing. "Well, it was nice, this little chat…Miss?"

"Alison Hendrix…Charmed." Helena put out a hand.

He took it, shaking a brief moment, careful stare. "My daughter had eyes like that." He noted, quietly.

"Thank you." She eyed him…He nodded and turned, heading off, away from where Sarah and her family were seated. Helena carefully drawing back in case any views came her way but they were rising to leave the hall…

I wonder if…She paused.

Yes, that would be wise…Go after and tell sestra, Hey! Remembers me?! I just wants to tell you a bittered guy might be getting ideas of taking vengeance for his family on you…And then have another little confrontation, once you got angel niece safe, ok?

He seems to be going other way, in any case. Perhaps I am wrong, just sad, having hard memories.

Hmmn…What would Tomas say? "You are weak, Commander…These weak, emotional humans are winning your soul from us, your true people."

Well, all that Romulan strength of character didn't keep your molecules together when Borg blast you out of space, friend? No?

Nothing wrong with mourning family…Good Romulans do so…All the people coming to Temple to pray for ancestors.

But, Tomas is Tal Shiar…And Tal Shiar cares not for the Old Ways. They want the strength of Logic but no moral sense, no heart…

Well, he finally found a people with even less the moral, yes?

Arrogant bastards, these Borg…Always one ship, never a fleet, into our quadrant…Pure arrogant, no wonder Federation kicked ass before in last attacks.

But they do want, need us…Yeah, evolutionary deadends…Can't evolve, traded their evolution for assimilation and upgrade, and must steal from others now.

Gods of my two peoples…What lazy bunch.

But, can't expect they are done…Even if I got them all back then, they have hive mind, galactic wireless…More will come, looking for us.

Oh, fool, fool Tomas to try and negotiate with great devils…You think you can bargain with the devil, little devil? She sighed, at first refusing, then finally wiping the single tear.

Tomas and the Tal Shiar…All the family I knew, till I had own ship…She beamed a bit.

My own family…Romulan side.

What if one day?…She grinned wanly. Family get together…

Stranger things…She froze suddenly, seeing her dinner companion again, moving in the direction Sarah and her family had gone, leaving through the exit of the dining area they'd left by.

This is not good. She told herself, rising and moving carefully toward the exit.

Unlike turkey which was delicious…She paused to drop off her tray at a collection station, beaming at the young female attendant.


"Best thing to do is to let me see what I can learn from my people and you concentrate on Kira and keepin' your nose clean." Mrs. S noted sternly to Sarah. "This job is legit?"

Sarah, slight frown… "Yeah…"

Hey, I was just captain of the bleedin' Federation flagship, fightin' Romulans, just a couple of…

"Pardon me…Don't mean to interrupt…" She looked to see the man who'd been Helena's table companion. Mrs. S. regarding him as well...

"I think you may have a little problem on your tail, Siobhan. A Romulan one…" He noted…Sarah blinking at him.

Ah…Helena nodded, seeing the man again in front of her, now paused by a booth, chatting to some Andorians selling trinkets to passers-by, their blue skin dark in the flickering night lights.

There you are , my friend. Lets just see that you does no harm and goes to your home, wherever that may be for now.

Then I must pay a call on me sestra…

Odd, she grinned. After spending an hour making sure she and family are safe from bitter stalking guy.

Wonder if Sarah would give the bonus points for such things…Grin.

She stepped on after the man as he moved on, making her way through the crowd, which was becoming thinner and less well-heeled…And -behaved.

Lost in the Toronto gloom…Does they write like that for here? London fog, Great Romulia soot clouds, Titan methane haze…She paused, frowning…

Lost him…Where did he…?

Whoa, she jumped as a hand grabbed her shoulder, the figure doing so immediately backing away as she demonstrated a lethal-looking move.

Though really only intended to gain time for deciding whether to kill, club unconscious, or call guards, or immediate transport…

"You? What are you doing here?!" Sarah grimly hissed, whirling her around.

"Nice to see you, too, sestra. Careful, I just had big meal after several days' restricted fare." Helena noted, offering friendly smile.


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