"Captains Outrageous...Beth and Cosima..."

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"Captains Outrageous…"

Summary: Strictly and utterly for fun. Imagining our favorite seestras as Captains of the Federation flagship.

Disclaimer: No copy write infringement intended…

Beth and Cosima...

The Enterprise…

"Explain this to me again…" Commander Bell eyed the twins before him coolly.

"Art, it is me…Well…" Beth sighed, "I think…I hope so…"

"Art, really…" Cosima, gently. "This is the real deal…Beth." She glanced at the somewhat tentative, uncertain Beth. "And she needs you…"

"Could you leave us a second, Cos?" Beth spoke up suddenly.

Uh…Cosima looked at her. Uh… "Sure…" nod.


Stare from Beth…

Oh. Ohhhh…


Cool…Proof for both of you.

"I'll leave you guys a mo…I'll be…"

"Back on duty, Lieutenant. And I'll see you at 19:00 hours." Beth, sharply.

"Aye, aye…Captain…" Cosima beamed. Smile to the frowning Art as she went out.

Hmmn…She stepped back in…

"Yes?!" Beth, sternly.

"Sorry…Captain…Uh, where am I assigned?"

"Report to the Exobiology Lab…I've sent your orders in." Beth noted. "Dismissed."

"Yes, sir." Cosima saluted…Turning sharply and heading out the door with a smile.

She's back…Hot damn…She is back.

"Well?" Commander Bell eyed Beth.

"Well, what, Number One?' she frowned…Then gave nervous smile. "I'm so sorry, Art. I know what I did to you was…"

"I'm just supposed to accept this tale?" he eyed her sternly. "Captain? If you are Beth Childs or some attempt at her…Would you?"

"Not without some kind of proof, Number One…" she smiled, shyly taking his hand. "And I want to know as much as you…" she raised his hand to her forehead. "I've missed you so, Art. In and out of my head."

He stared at her, a tear forcing its way… "Beth?"

"No." she shook head… "Prove it. First, prove it."

"My mind…To your mind…" he intoned.

"So…You've moved on with your little side project, have you, Aldous?" Rachel, seated in her Section 51 pocket universe office, eyed Admiral Leekie standing before her.

"We agreed things with Beth were to be left strictly in my hands." Aldous noted quietly.

"Yes. And I must offer congratulations." Rachel nodded. "This is quite an achievement, using the Leda subjects to literally bring back the dead."

"It's a step…We have to see how things work out. There's no way to know what the long-term effects will be, even though all the science suggests Beth can live a normal life."

"But you went right ahead anyway, regardless of possible consequences, as always." She beamed at him. "That's what I so admire about you, Aldous. You're a moral man in some ways but in you that passion for Science and to see what lies ahead always wins out."

"I've always been ready to do what needs to be done…But I don't think that needs require all other considerations be dropped." Aldous noted.

"Fair enough." Rachel swung her chair slightly around. "But what guarantee do we have that Beth Childs won't try to bring us down?"

"None except her love for her sisters and Arthur Bell." Aldous shrugged. "And that may not ben enough, especially if they encourage her to speak out."

"I see…Hardly the ironclad guarantee our people will want here, Aldous." She eyed him.

"I'm hoping you'll get that this is more important than the miffed feelings of a few powerful friends."

"Powerful friends who'd make dangerous enemies." She noted. "All right, see what you can do with her and learn from her. But Aldous? If she does try to attack this organization? She and anyone else? I will respond in kind." She eyed him calmly.

"Understood…" he nodded.

"And give her my best, when you can. It's wonderful news that she has another chance. Maybe it means there are other chances for the rest of us as well." Rachel beamed.


"Deck seven…" Cosima told the turbolift computer, stepping back.

"Exobiology assistant director on the Enterprise…Not too shabby." She noted aloud. "Just hope I can cut it…" she looked suddenly round as the lift stopped unexpectedly.


"Manual override in effect." The computer voice told her. The turbolift doors opening…

"Delphine…" she sighed, shaking head.

"Cosima." Delphine, in her duty uniform. "I'm sorry. I knew you were on board and coming this way…I had to see you." She stepped in, using her communicator to seal the door.

"The subject's fine. No new problems." Cosima, coolly. "Thanks for your efficient…" she gasped as Delphine grabbed her…

"Cosima…" she breathed, sweeping her up. "Ma petite…Cos…" she embraced her. "Forgive me…"

"Forgive me…" Beth was breathing…As she desperately held on to Art's firm hand on her forehead. "Forgive me for leaving you…For Paul…For everything…Art, please…"

He paused, removing hand…

"Art?" worried tone.

"Oh, Beth…" he stared at her woebegone face, another tear running. "Why didn't you tell me all this? I could have helped you. You know I'd've…Anything you needed…"

"You'd have lost everything…Your career…Maybe yourfamily…Maybe…I was terrified for you . And…" she paused. "I've been such a fool, Art…Paul and the others…Art? You hafta to know…Now…"

"I know…" he nodded. "And it is you, Beth…Whatever the receptacle, it is you." He sighed.

"I wish I could tell you…" he began… "The joy…I wish I could let myself feel…"

"I'll feel it…For both for us…" she beamed, hugging him…

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