"Captains Outrageous...Alison"

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"Captains Outrageous..."

Summary: Strictly and utterly for fun. Imagining our favorite seestras as Captains of the Federation flagship.

Disclaimer: No copy write infringement intended...

Hovercar...Ally with Ms Suominen in back, Donnie in front passenger seat...

"You must remember computer-controls are locked. If you try to take control, Mr. Hendrix, you can only damage controls and endanger your wife." Ms. Suominen had removed hat to reveal dark curly hair and a face both Hendrixes were quite familiar with.

"And you..." Donnie noted, calmly.

Donnie? Ally stared.

Repressing grin...Look at you, projecting all suave and icy cool...

"Very good..." Ms. Suominen smiled. "But I know you adore your wife and would not harm for the world." Shy smile.

"You've been monitoring us..." Donnie looked back to her.

"In a way, yes...We have followed many of those of us on Earth and worlds of Terran system. But anyone who would wait for hour out here in this neighborhood while wife goes to holosuite to check kiddies is very loving husband." nod. "Glad to finally meet you both."

"You're a hard person to locate for someone who wants to meet..." Ally noted.

"With reason, would you not say? Having met Helena, for the starters." Ms. Suominen, careful look.

You weren't supposed to leave the car while I went to the holosuite...Ally whispered, frowning to Donnie...

Just wanted to be sure they didn't leave, he hissed back. I did wait for you...

"Say, is there a subdivision of you ladies who all speak with that accent? I mean, genetically?" Donnie asked.

"What accent?" Ms. Suominen stared at his look.


Centauri Prime...Aqua World complex...

"Captain..." Dierden at bar table, sipping beer... "Pull up a chair...Hey, there..." he waved to a large cephacid peering at him from the transparent aluminum window above them. It waving tentacles back.

Naturally, a female, Rosen glared at the creature, which swam off at his look.

"Commodore..." narrow stare... "Either I'm working and on duty...Or I'm on leave and free to drink alone."

"Suit yourself, Rosen." Paul shrugged. "But you're missing out on some damned good microbrew..."

"I see you've gone fairly native..." Daniel eyed Paul in his shorts, no shirt. Along with various admiring female and not a few male of various species, not all humanoid Aqua World bar patrons.

"When in Rome I wear a toga, when on Centauri Prime...Those of us who can enjoy the dress mode, do."

God, look at those... Rachel, watching via hacked security sensors from her office.

"I hear you, you know...Right in my head." Daniel hissed.

"How is ole Rach?" Paul, pleasantly.

"Tell him I appreciate being remembered...And what the hell is he doing?"

"Tell him yourself...I'm on...Leave..." Daniel, angry hiss.

"Speak of the devil's mate..." Paul eyed his buzzing communicator. "Hellooo, Rachel."

"Paul? What have you been up to? Why haven't you contacted me for the last two hours? Where are my sisters?"

"Rachel? Enjoying Aqua World and now a really great microbrew. Nothing to report, and like Dan here, I'm on leave. So far as I know right here, somewhere. But there's a new development and I've given it precedent."

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