"Captains Outrageous...Cosima, Sarah, and...Helena"

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"Captains Outrageous..."

Summary: Strictly and utterly for fun. Imagining our favorite seestras as Captains of the Federation flagship.

Disclaimer: No copy write infringement intended...

Cosima...Sarah...And Helena...

Centauri Prime...Darwin Research Institute...

"So you're saying..." Cosima, from her Enterprise quarters, onscreen of a portable computer on the table, provided by S, via secured link, eyed Dr. Duncan, he giving vague smile as he brought sugar and cream to the table on which a teapot and lemons in bowl now also sat...

"Father...Please..." Helena, rising. "I gets tea. You sit and talks the science." Pulling chair to him, solicitous look...

S eyeing Sarah who frowned as Helena eagerly began setting cups and pouring from the teapot Duncan had brought in from the kitchen area. Duncan sheepishly taking the seat offering, wan smile to the pleased Helena.

"We weren't intended to survive..." Sarah, calmly. "Bloody one-shot tools for Section 51, that's us."

"Sarah..." Cosima put up a hand on screen.

"Father? The one or two lumps?" Helena asked.

"Two, please dear...Lemon, no cream."

"Mrs. S?" she looked to S. Who shrugged...Well...Better this than her tryin' to kill us all.

"Black with sugar...Thanks."

Yeah? Sarah gave hard stare back to Cosima. "Helena's callin' him Dad and you're 'really honored to meet you'..." she noted in mocking Cosima tone. "Maybe one of us oughta remember we're the subjects of illegal human experiments?"

"Sarah? I would say, three sugars and lemon?" Helena eyed her.

"Is guess that we are alike in taste, not Romulan intelligence..." she smiled at Sarah's look. Cosima chuckling.

"We'll see how you laugh at her jokes when she guts your mother..." Sarah, angrily.

Cosima...Rather annoyed now... "Hey?"

"Sarah...Is me you are angrys with...Rightlys." Helena urged, gently, taking seat and pulling her own cup over. "Perhaps...I shoulds go...?" she asked, somberly eyeing the group. "I can wait outside if..." S frowning as Helena started to rise.

"No way." Sarah frowned. "Sit down. And I don't mean that as alls forgiven. You're not going outta my sight."

"I mean no underhands stuff..." sigh. "I will stay, no problem." Helena retook seat. "Just do not hurt sestra Cosima, sestra."

"Don't." Sarah, firmly. Then sighed. "Sorry, Cos...Out of line." She eyed the screen. "I'm not the one killing us, meathead." Grim tone. "But, sorry again, Cos. I mean it."

"It's fine." Wave of hand onscreen. "I understand you're angry, Sarah. I know you've got good reason to be...But..."

"You've got good reason, too...I get it..." Sarah nodded. "Though you might have told us you knew about this, Cos."

"I only knew there was some sort of illness and I only wanted a chance to find out how bad it was...I wasn't sure it was the same thing as Katja when I started having symptoms..." Cosima, a bit lamely. "I didn't intend to keep it secret forever, but there wasn't any point in scaring you if it was only me."

"You are stoic, sestra Cosima. Very Romulan." Helena nodded.

"Yeah, hear you roar...In Romulan." Sarah shrugged. "So you kept it quiet just until Zeus here was kind enough to ask if any of us were showing signs of illness." she frowned.

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