"Captains Outrageous...Rachel"

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"Captains Outrageous..."

Summary: Strictly and utterly for fun. Imagining our favorite seestras as Captains of the Federation flagship.

Disclaimer: No copy write infringement intended...


"Paul...Commodore Dierden..." Singsong voice to her communicator. "You need to be staying in communication, Commodore...This is irksome when I do not hear from you."

Especially when I unbuttoned the top button of my power blouse and slightly brushed back my power bob for you...She did not say.

Least he could do is send some travel pics...Unless, of course...

"Daniel?" she turned to the neural interphase. "Tell me you haven't killed Commodore Dierden yet?"

She paused, sighing as no response came... "Daniel...I have no time for nonsense, this is official, I'm ordering you to..." Quickly scanning the latest Federation News Network headings...

Phew, no tales of Borg destroying the Quadrant's premiere tourist mecca...She turned back to the interphase just as the transmission signal went green.

"Rosen here." Daniel's voice, cold. "No further contact with Commodore Dierden since last communication, I am attempting to locate Sarah and Helena...Without benefit of technology, as per..."

"Will you stop?" her annoyed tone.

"Your order was that this was official, ma'am."

"I always say that..." smile.

"And I am on duty, ma'am."

"You're officially on leave, as far as Starfleet is concerned."

Everyone gets a vacation except Rachel, she thought, glumly. And do my boys here appreciate my setting them up with such? No...

"Really? This hardly constitutes my dream vacation..." Daniel's cold reply.

"Stadt...Or the Osterring on Aurora Primus...Two green Orion female 51 cadets, assigned as aides, ordered to silence, chosen for their documented proclivity to s and m, a strongly implied threat to their families made by you. A fair two weeks' supply of Châteaux Picard '26."

"One week's...I'm too restless to spend two weeks there. And the '26 is your favorite, I prefer the '29."

"You have no palate..." Rachel rose, striding... "What about Dierden?"

"Enjoying the dolphins, no doubt."

"Daniel? Hubris? Dierden is not the fool you prefer to see him." Rachel, annoyed.

"No, he's far more lovely, to the ladies and gay men, I'm sure." Daniel, coolly. "I have a tracker drone locked on him."

"Daniel. I told you..."

"No technology regards your sisters. You said nothing about Dierden. And this is the newest prototype, he won't be able to detect it tracking him and it will pass the Centauri sensor sweeps. Right now, he's..." Daniel eyed a small holoprojection from his standard communicator... "I was right about the dolphins."

"He knows how to step back and relax a little..." Rachel noted, shrugging as she strode the room.

"And I despise him for that..." Daniel sneered.

"What do you want, kid?" he coldly eyed a small blue-skinned Altairan boy staring at the slight but rather strangely menacing, human man, awkward in his civilian casual clothes, who'd been talking to himself in the quiet corner next to the bathrooms for a solid five minutes.

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