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(This is not edited because I refuse to edit my feelings I apologize for any bad granmer or spelling mistakes)

Shinny-star tagged me for this and gods do I have a shit (oh look the girl who never curses and can't without feeling horrible curses, well it's a fucking one time only thing so don't get used to it thanks) load to talk about. *cracks knuckles.* Lets get started.

First of all, do we even know what bullying is anymore? Sure we do, it just doesn't seem to ever fit the situation even if it is bullying. I don't think most people mean to bully, but I don't think they realize they're bullying. (Yeah Twila totally makes sense)

Now, for someone who always can keep a clear head, I always thought that if someone bullied me I'd just put them in their place. As I found out last year, it's not that easy right away.

Story time.

So it started around this time last year in period five science. Now science was my best core subject, I mostly got 100s. Now I didn't partially enjoy the class, for me it was just a time to doodle and wait for my favorite class, LA. Which last year I had with Aurora btw.

Anyways, for some reason all the guys started targeting me. Not like agressively, but these guys were also in my homeroom and around my locker.

They would just bug me, and they made up rumors about me, not really horrible just that I was going out with one of the popular idiots who always elbowed me at the end of the day because he was to the left of my locker.

And because I don't exactly fit in, most polls knew who they wet talking about.

People kept asking me about it, and fucking hell just writing about it makes me want to punch a wall, and it got to the point where my own best friend, I don't mean to be mean Aurora it's literally the only time I've ever felt really frustrated with you, asked me if the rumor was true and why I didn't tell her.

Just thinking about having to go to school mad my stomach upset and suddenly I realized why middle school is so horrible.

I stopped wanting to go to school, even though I did. I went out of my way to literally be able to just throw my bag in my locker int eh meaning then rush to homeroom, and after school I would take really long amounts of time helping to clean up so I would avoid them.

I even stopped dressing weirdly for a good two weeks so they wouldn't notice me, I just wore my giant sweat shirts.

They stopped eventually, once they saw I wasn't cracking- my allergies started around this point so I put off the dressing normally as laziness because of that, they stopped.

But for the rest of the year I kept getting paired with them and each time I would ignore them to the point where I refused to let one of them do any work because I didn't trust them at all.

Remember that guy who stopped us as we were walking after school and said Me and him were best science buddies from last year Aurora? H was one of them.

I dreaded science and avoided it all costs to the point where my 100pwrcent average dropped to a B plus at the fourth quarter of the year.

I mean, I get along okay with one of the guys now, as he's less of a scum bag, but I still clean my fists whenever I pass them in the halls.

Only now, a full year later did I realize it was bullying, did I realize how horrible it made you feel.

And how horrible I feel now, typing this recounting those three long months in stupid science class.

And I guess that's all.

I tag:






And don't worry guys, in working on an update.

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