Chapter 3: Hoyt's Office

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I am back at work, I am sitting on a bench, I am stretching out my shoe. I then hear Randall get into his locker.

Randall: I heard about what happened to you. Fucking savages.

Y/N: They were just kids. I should've just left them alone.

Randall: No. they'll take everything from you if you do that.

I don't respond.

Randall: Here.

He gives me a bag.

Y/N: What is it?

Randall: Open it.

I open it and see a gun inside, I let out a small laugh.

Randall: You need to protect yourself out there. Or you're gonna get fucked.

Y/N: I'm not supposed to have a gun.

Randall: Don't worry about it. Besides, you can pay me back some other time. You know you are my boy.

Gary then walks over.

Gary: Hey Y/N, Hoyt wants you in his office.

I stand up and walk to his office.

Y/N: Hey Hoyt, Gary said you wanted to see me?

Hoyt: Hey Y/N. Are you a stand-up yet?

Y/N: Oh, not yet.

I start to sit down.

Hoyt: Don't sit, this will be quick.

I listen.

Hoyt: Look, I like you Y/N. The other people here think you're a freak. But I like you, I don't even know why I like you. But I got another complaint. It's starting to piss me off. Kenny's music, he said that you disappeared, and you didn't even return his sign.

Y/N: Because I got jumped. Didn't you hear?

Hoyt: Over a sign? That's bullshit, that doesn't make any sense. Just get the sign back. He's going out of business for God sake.

Y/N: I don't know where he keeps the sign.

Hoyt: How the fuck should I know? Listen, if you don't return the sign. I'm gonna have to take it out of your paycheck. Look, I'm trying to help you. Oh, and another thing, others here are uncomfortable around you, I can't have that here.

His voice gets harder to hear when the sounds in my head get louder, I find myself smiling.

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