Chapter 20: Hospital

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I am sitting on a bench outside the hospital. I was smoking my cigar. I see two men get out of their car and walk towards me.

Man: Mr. L/N. Sorry to bother you. I'm Detective Garrity. This is my partner, Detective Burke. We had a few questions for you, but you weren't home, so we spoke to your mother.

Y/N: Oh. What did you say to her? Did you do this?

Garrity: What? No. No, no, no. We just asked her some questions, and she got hysterical.

Burke: Hyperventilating, collapsed and hit her head pretty hard.

Y/N: Yeah. The doctor said she had a stroke.

Garrity: We're sorry to hear about that. But, like I said, I still have some questions for you. They're about the subway killings that happened last week. You've heard about them, right?

Y/N: Yeah. It's horrible.

Garrity: Right. So, we spoke with your boss over at Haha's. He said you were fired for bringing a gun into the children's hospital. Is that true, Mr. L/N?

Y/N: It was a prop. It's part of my act. I'm a party clown.

Burke: All right. So, why were you fired?

I sigh.

Y/N: They said I wasn't funny enough. Can you imagine that? If you don't mind, I have to go take care of my mother.

I get up and start walking away.

Burke: Your boss also gave us one of your cards.

I stop and turn around.

Burke: This condition of yours, the laughing, is it real, or some sort of clown thing?

Y/N: A clown thing?

Burke: Yeah. I mean, is it a part of your act?

Y/N: What do you think?

I walk away, I bump into the glass door. It won't open.

Burke: It's exit only.

Someone came out the exit, opening the door, I walk in.


I am in the room where my mother is. Sophie even came over for me.

Sophie: She's gonna be okay.

I stay silent.

Sophie: I'm gonna get a coffee. You want one?

Y/N: Yeah.

Sophie kisses the side of my head, and then she leaves the room. I hear audience laughter coming from the TV. I hear the Murray Franklin show on.

Murray: So, the other night, I told my youngest son Billy, you know, the new one, the not-so-bright one. I told him, "The garbage strike is still going on, Billy." And he says, and I'm not kidding. Billy says, "So, where are we gonna get our garbage from?"

I let out a small laugh.

Murray: And finally, in a world where everyone thinks they can do my job, we got this video tape from Pogo's Comedy Club, right here in Gotham. Here's a guy who thinks if you just keep laughing, it'll somehow make you funny. Check out this joker.

They show footage of... me?! They are showing my act from that club! This shocks me.

Y/N: Oh, my God.

They played my school joke. I got closer to the TV. After I told the joke on TV, I start laughing. It cuts back to Murray. He laughs.

Murray: You shoulda listened to your mother.

His words shock me.

Murray: Hey, one more. One more, Bobby. All right, let's see one more. I love this guy.

They show me again. They played my last joke.

Y/N: "It's funny, when I was a little boy and told people I was gonna be a comedian, everyone laughed at me. Well, no one's laughing now."

It cuts back to Murray.

Murray: You can say that again, pal.

His words hurt me. I just stare coldly at the TV. A hero of mine, someone who I looked up too... made fun of me on live television...

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