RazzaRoss: [ What's on your arm? ]

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a/n. i tried okay this ones depressing but fluffy and im like..a little writers blocky

Synopsis: Barry finds out that Ross started cutting, and he interupted one of their Steam Train sessions to find them. (boring i know)
{ Barry PoV }

"God damnit Ross.." I heard Dan groan as they were playing a game. I didn't want to pay attention, but Ross became more..protective? I mean, like, he never seems to spill his emotions-heck even shows them. Well, after he found out Holly had cheated on him, he's been in deep pits of depression. Yet he seems so happy when they record. Stop overthinking it Barry, he's just going through mood swings..

"GOD DAMNIT!" Ross raised his arms, dropped the controller, and something a crimson red brought my body to rise-no. He couldn't be..nope. They were real. I placed my headphones down and walked over, grabbing Ross's hands and pulling him up off the couch. "Talk. Now." I said coldy, Dan staring at me in a confused manner as Ross simply nodded and followed my lead. "Barry am I in tro-" "Stop." I cut him off, snapping my head to face him, and making sure no one else would hear. To be sure, I closed the door that lead to where we edited and recorded. I turned his arms around, staring and tracing a few as he squirmed and struggled to get away. "Why..?" I asked, bringing my eyes to meet his blue ones. They pierced my soul, and pity swooped right over me. "I-I..Barry..It's not because of Holly, or us, or-or-...maybe it is about you.." He trailed off into mumbles, and I let go of his arms. "M-Me..?" I cupped his face, wiping away the few tears that fell from his eyes. "Please, if I need to stop doing something-" I stepped closer to him, pressing my forehead against his, and smiling softly. "-I will" He pressed his lips against mine, wrapping his arms around my neck and giggling a little. "Look, I just..it's stupid.." He let go, and I wish he hadn't..His hugs are so soft, yet so loving.

"No, tell me!" I pleaded, taking his hands and locking mine with his. He shook his head, pressing his body into my chest. "No..It's too stupid.." He sighed, the vibration sending a small chill down my spine. "But if you really want to know..it's because I'm dating you and you're..like..it seems like you don't love me..if that makes sense.." He sighed again, picking his head up and lowering our still locked hands. "I-I do Ross..I was even planning to do something special.." I trailed off after 'planning', but his face brightened up so much. "Haha, you big dork!" He kissed my cheek, burying his face into my neck and hugging me. I laughed, hugging him back. "D'aaaawww!" Dan chimed in, making our heads snap to him. Suzy and Arin stood behind, smiling and snickering. Kevin ever-so-desperately tried to look over Dan's fro. "That's adorable-you guys are so cute
together!" Suzy rang, squealing and making a heart towards us. I looked at Ross, who was blushing red with a pout. "Oh, c'mere you big dweeb" I pulled his face to mine and kissed him, Arin and Dan whooping as Suzy squealed. Poor Kevin was left to see nothing, I assume, because he groaned.

"I love you, Ross.." I mumbled, holding his waist and purring. "I love you more, Barry.." He replied, resting his head on my shoulder and swaying a little. And he went back to recording, happier than ever, and me..well..

You could say I couldn't have found a better man.

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