MortEgo: Kinda Just Us

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an// some canon stuff hell yeah

{ Scoozie (Suzy) PoV - }

I slouched up against the headrest, blowing my nose into a tissue and sniffling up the icky snot. Being sick on Easter is the worst; you have to stay home and wait for your flu or fever or cold or whatever to be over. I hugged one of the critter plushies and sighed, the smell of soup barely entering my nostrils.

"Hey Scooozie.." Dan smiled, carrying a tray of soup with crackers through the door. "Arin made some soup for you..I stopped by to see how you were doing!" He sat the tray on my legs and smiled, leaving a small bag decorated for Easter with an envelope signed by all of the Grumps. "Awh, thanks Daniel.." I sniffled, sneezing into a tissue and waving him goodbye. "I don't want to get you sick, I'm sorry!" He nodded, understanding and waving me goodbye. "Feel better Suz, we love you!" He slipped out of the door frame and left me be, and I softly smiled to myself. I loved the channel; all the guys were so nice to me and all, but it was because we all cared for one another, like a family. I was the mother, and Arin was the father. I played with the soup and soon ate it, the warmth gently touching my throat. Arin makes the best soup, better than mine. I soon realized I was slurping it down in a heartbeat, the warmth softly healing my dry throat. I ate the crackers not too long after, my stomach feeling full and complete.

There was a soft knock on my door, and I cuddled my pillow and plushie close to my chest. "Come in!" My voice croaked and sounded raspy, and I soon coughed into my elbow. "Hey honey, how you feeling..?" Arin was untying the string that held the apron against his body. "Like shit, you?" I laughed, coughing again and groaning in anger due to how sick I was. "Sad.." I cockedy head to the side a little and spoke softly as he came closer. "Why? It's Easter, be happy!" Before he could say why, I grabbed a tissue and sneezed into it, smiling and nodding as in 'Yes, you may continue.' "Because I can't kiss you, or I'll get sick tomorrow! Kisses make everything feel better.." He munched on one of my crackers, my eyes glaring at him playfully. "Stop eating my food, jerk!" I teased and kept the crackers by my side, watching him pout and finish his cracker. "Well, I just want you to feel better, okay? If you want, we can watch Netflix and eat popcorn and just chill today.." His voice trailed off at the end, and a small chuckle was followed up after him. "That sounds nice, Arin.." I smiled, sniffling up my snot-which is so gross-and putting a pillow behind my back, resting against it. "Yeah, but, one last medicine-curing thing.." He leaned in and kissed me softly, smiling into the kiss. "'re gonna get 'Suzy Sickness.'" Suzy Sickness is what I call my flu or fevers when he kisses me or hugs me.

"That's kinda just us, Suzy. I'll get myself sick so you don't have to be alone.." Arin locked his fingers with mine, and we soon kissed again. Yeah, that's kinda just us and how we act. We watched Netflix for half of the day, cracking jokes and eating popcorn. Best sickday ever!

♥︎ polygrumps : pen and paper ♥︎Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu