EgoBang- Little Kitty

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a/n this was for my boyfriend, okay? im gonna post it here because i feel a little confident bout it and no synopsis. it ruins it. and this was actually the first ever smut i wrote :3

Arin groaned, rolling around in bed and feeling for Leigh-er, Dan, as he's known as that on the internet and Game Grumps. He sat up, rubbing his chest and stretching, a loud yawn escaping his mouth. "Daaaaaannn.." He got out of bed, wearing his boxers and an oversized shirt. "Daaaannn, I know you're theeeerrreee.." He groaned, picking up his phone and unlocking it. A text from Dan and two texts from Ross and Barry were on his phone. He started walking around, reading the text and stumbling through the hall to their recording set. Relaxing, he kicked his feet up on the couch armrest and finally reading the texts instead of trying to read them and seeing blurs of text.
'Sexbanger: went out with barry today, be home around noon baby! <3 u'
He blushed and smiled, tapping on Ross's texts and slowly feeling embarrassment and regret, reading the messages over and over.
'Rubber Dick Ninja: the deal still
Rubber Dick Ninja: course u passed out. u were drunk as hell. barry txted u all abt it i hope..'
He exited that message and went to Barry's, his stomach dropping.
'Bear-ry: u agreed with us at the bar that u were gonna dress up like a cat for ur boooooooyfriend~
Bear-ry: check ur closet, dan doesnt know anything abt this. good luck, friend'
He dropped his phone into his lap and saw he had 3 hours until Dan returns. "Fuck you Barry..and Ross too.." He growled to himself, walking back upstairs through the hallway and opening his closet. His eyes moved directly to a black, sparkly skirt with panties strung to it, no shirt, a tail stitched the the back of the skirt, and a headband that matched his hair with cat ears glued onto it. He took it out, looking at the note attached to the headband.
'No shirt, xoxo, Barry and Ross'
He dropped everything onto the bed, a bundled up leash dropping to the ground. "A fetish too? What kind of sick deal is this?"

He stood in front of the mirror, hands on hips as he tried to get himself comfortable in the panties and skirt. He grabbed the leash and contemplated about putting it on the leash before finally clicking it around his neck, throwing the leather, rope-like lead to the back and fixed the skirt. To no avail, the skirt still didn't cover the black-laced panties he wore. He sighed, sitting down on the bed and staring at the clock. Half an hour left, of course, he thought. He got up and pulled down the skirt, a flustered Arin reflecting in the mirror, rushing by. He went downstairs and roamed around, watching tree branches sway gently and loose leaves brushing the window. He decided it would be best to sit down all sexy like for Dan, so he started toward the couch before hitting his knee off of the side and falling down on his hands and knees. He lowered his upper body and held his head, yelling curses as he heard a door unlock and open.

"Why, hell-oo little kitty~" A voice rang through his ears, his body shaking. Dan walked over, placing his coat on the ground next to the couch and kneeling down by his face. "C'mere.." Dan purred, pulling his face up to meet his. "Is this for me, babe?" He teased, Arin biting his lower lip and smashed his lips against the other's, immediately taking it into a sexual movement as Dan slid his tongue in with no warning. Arin slid his hand along his thigh, brushing his palm and fingers
along the friction in his jeans. He unbuttoned the jeans and slipped them down past his knees along with boxers. He gently pushed Arin away, smirking as he pushed him back a little more. Arin followed this gesture, scooting up against the wall and Dan crawling over. "Why won't you answer good ol' Sexbang, hm?" He asked, running his fingers along the other's chest, a shiver sent down Arin's spine in return. "Cat got your tongue?" He smirked, kissing and pressing himself up against said other. Arin held his back, tugging down on his shirt roughly. He pulled away, letting Arin slip off his shirt and find his way around his upper body. He purred and began attacking Arin's neck with kisses and bites before finding the leash around his neck. He unhooked it, taking it off of his neck and throwing it down beside them. He went back to attackig his neck, small groans and squeals slipping his lips. A loud groan slipped his lips on a certain spot he had kissed. He bit it gently, sucking it and kissing it. He stared at the flushed red Arin who had his legs pushed together, trying to hide the small boner he was getting. Arin gasped and shook as gentle fingers trailed up his legs, then a brute force pushing them apart. Fingers slipped around his legs with ease, gentle purrs slipped from the back of his throat. Dan lifted up the skirt a little more, laughing at Arin and receiving a push to a shoulder. "Shut up! I-I wanted to surprise you.." Arin lied completely, a raised brow and an evil smirk greeted his worried eyes. "Is that so?" He sneered, hands pulling down the panties and immediate touches were placed along his dick. "Yeah, w-why can't I-I?" Arin mumbled, moans filling the empty house that they were in. "Oh, I don't know..wouldn't expect it to be in a sexual way.." He said blankly, finally slipping down between his legs. "You know that I honestly never gave blowjobs, just handjobs?" He said, pumping a little bit and lowering himself. "First times for everything, hm?"

A mouth was wrapped around Arin, a gasp and shaky moans released as tongues and movements down him were sent through the nerves. "F-fuck!" He blurted through grit teeth, running fingers through his own hair. The sensation he was feeling couldn't be described; loud moans and small profanities only could be used as information. As Dan moved down further and went faster, a twitchy feeling was sent up his spine and his mind sent a message to his nerves. "Jesus..D-Dan.." He moaned out, tossing his head back and banging it gently against the wall. "D-Dan..! Dan, I-I'm g-gonna.." He mumbled, heat and sudden numbness filling his lower region. "I'm gonna..c-cum!" He blurted, gripping his own hair and hissing through his teeth. A sudden burst of numbness rose up his shaft, liquid pouring into the mouth around it. Dan collected it all; no swallowing or spitting was shown. He glanced down at Dan who was wiping the corners of his mouth and smirking. "Dan, don't you fucking think about it." He stated, Dan moving closer to his face and to his lips. "Dan I'm gonna fucking punch you-" He was cut off by said other kissing him, sharing the taste with the other. He coughed, shaking his head as the other simply swallowed. "Delicious Arin, simply delicious!" Dan said, staring at the Arin who was shaking his head and covering his mouth. "Dude, dude stop-" He grabbed his head, staring at him. "You're gonna have to swallow one day, it's honestly not bad!" Arin finally swallowed it, his mouth opening and heavy breathing escaped. "Says..says the man..who just blew..for the first time!" He breathed, a sudden push as legs raised and placed along biceps. "Yeah, so? Bet you haven't done the same thing.." He smirked, moving his hips closer to the other. "D-Dry?!" Arin stared at him, a simple smirk replying for him as he thrusted inward. Gasps slipped both their lips and a small yell was thrown into Arin's gasp. He didn't move, he waited for a reply of pain subsiding from Arin. A dead stare into his eyes and a low growl was given. "Why aren't you going?! Men like me can handle pain.." He wrapped his arms around the other's neck, a growl in response was given as another thrust was given. Another moan slipped through again, a small smile spread across his face. Another thrust. And another.

Dan had found a rhythm to do so, moans following the rhythm beats. "You're s-such a slut for dressing up..You were asking for a pounding!" He spat, kissing his neck and feeling vibrations of moans from the other. "M-more..I w-want more.." He mumbled, thrusts going faster and sudden twitches were given. "More what? M-More nicknames?" He smirked, a nodded moan from the other. "I-It tu-urns m-me on.." He moaned out, biting his shoulder and digging his nails into the other's back. "Then cum for me you fucking whore.." He grunted, giving a couple last thrusts before spilling into him. "D-Dan!" He yelled out, cumming onto him and panting. He let Arin go, pulling up his boxers and jeans. Grabbing his shirt, he threw it on and smirked, buttoning his jeans. "I'll be upstairs if you want more, kitty" He laughed, a sudden click of a door opening and two men standing there. They were looking away as a conversation started.

"Ross I told you, I'm not doing it!" Barry yelled, Ross facing him and smirking. "Please? It'll be funny, and plus, it'll pay for what you did to me" Both heads were turned to Dan and Arin, eyes staying on Arin. "What the fuck happened, Dan?" Barry stared at the male hiding himself in his hands. Dan started over, patting his shoulder and Ross pointing to the liquid in front of Arin. "And what's that..?" Ross gagged, turning away as Barry kept staring in awe. "Well, gentlemen, it ain't milk!" He laughed, disappearing upstairs and still cackling. "Arin, you're cleaning this up.." Barry sighed, Ross folding his arms and smiling. "Little kitty did our dare.." He slapped Ross, starig at him in anger. "We didn't want /this/, you idiot!"

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