•••part four•••

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"god, she's such a bitch." I said as we all got into the car.
"she is, even mama jupe thinks that." Willa says, looking at me. I start laughing, "did your mom actually call her a bitch?"
"yea, we were talking and she just started talking about how much she hates her and how much she wants you two to get back together." she turned to me and smirked.
"hey, don't look at me like that, he was the one who ended things"
"i miss the old noah, the happy noah." she said slowly. "he was always happy when you guys were dating, he always came home with a smile on his face and started going on and on about how amazing and beautiful you were." she finished. I looked at her, tears threatening to spill, but I took a deep breath and tried to distract myself.
"hey, do you think there is a reason emily kind of looks like maya?" Taylor turned at me smirking.
"dont you ever compare me to her, she's so blahhh."
"fr, maya is so much prettier and nicer." Willa said proudly. I looked at her and smiled. Soon enough we got to a starbucks, we wanted to get starbucks before we go shopping. While we were walking in, i saw a familiar figure. I knew it was him, you could see his tall, skinny figure with his curly, fluffy hair. I was walking up to order my drink when I felt someone tug my wrist. I turned around and saw Noah. "can we talk?" he asked looking down.
"Of course, let's go." I said as I pulled him behind the store.
"Look, I'm sorry for what Emily did, she's not usually like that." He said.
"I highly doubt that, you tend to pick the worst girls."
"excuse me, you're actually right, you were the best one I've had." He said jokingly but in a serious way. I started bursting out laughing, soon he did too. Once the laughing died down we locked eyes. Leaning in, we almost forgot we weren't together. I quickly pulled away remembering that we weren't together.
"Hey, I'm sorry, I don't know what that was." Noah said trying to act normal.
"Same, let's forget that ever happened." I replied.
"What, do you not like the thought of kissing me?" He said sarcastically gasping. "I start laughing at how stupid he looks. Next thing I know I'm being lifted up from the ground. "Noah, put me down!" I said still laughing. Then we both herd laughing. We turned our heads to see some paparazzi and girls, that I guess were fans. Noah quickly put me down before anyone could snap a picture.

"gosh, oh gosh!" I whispered scared."hey, it's fine." Noah said reassuringly "no, noah, i just released a song about you. What do you think the public would say about me hanging out with you!" I sorta yelled."you wrote that song about me?" Noah said smirking. "yes, you idiot." I smiled.
Three girls ran up to us and started bombarding us with questions. One girl asked, "Maya, are you and jaden dating?"

Noah looked at me with a serious expression, waiting for my answer, "are you?" He asks slowly. Before I could say anything else, he walked away. I wanted to tell him that I wasn't but I guess it's to late for that. "umm no, me and jaden are just friends, that's all we'll ever be."

After I said that people started asking more questions. I got anxious and started to walk away but the three girls had to follow me. "Hey, leave my sister alone." I looked over meeting eyes with Taylor and Willa. "Well, girls it's nice to talk to you but I have to leave." I replied, trying not to sound rude.
I walked to Taylor and she handed me my drink, "thanks." "No problem." She replied.

"So what even happened?" Willa asked confused. I explained the story and Taylor said, "he really just left you there?" "yea, I guess so." After talking we went shopping. I bought some new clothes and some candles. I also bought this perfume Noah bought me when we were dating. Mine ran out and i loved the scent so I had to get another one. Once we were done shopping we got back in the car.

"Hey, maya, do you want to have a sleepover at my place?" Willa asked

"Is Noah going to be there?" I ask, not really wanting to see his face.

"uhh no, he's at his girlfriends house." she smiled

"ok, deal" I answered.

"im gonna drop you guys off at home and you can go in and pack, then when your done I'll drive you there." Taylor said.

Once we got to my house I packed a bag and put some perfume on before running out of the house, back into the car. Taylor drove us there and we hopped out. "Thanks for today Taylor."
"No problem." She replied and drove off.

I ran next to Willa as she opened the door. Once she opened the door we walked in, just to see Noah in his boxers. "eww put some clothes on!" Willa said covering her eyes. I just lightly chuckled grabbing and shirt off the floor and throwing it his way. "Thanks." He replied softly.
"Anytime." I smiled
"Ok, let's go upstairs" Willa said pulling me upstairs.

this is part four, some drama going on. What does Noah do next, nobody knowsssss. JUST KIDDING. anyway, have and amazing day. REMINDER: PLEASE EAT AND YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL

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