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The chills of the night in fact, hadn't crept into the house. Whether that was Bonnie's doing in an attempt to keep them insulated, and more so, to prevent sharing anymore space together. Though by the morning, the snow was just starting to flurry, the lack of height that it reached was just another sordid reminder of their 24-hour-cycle predicament.

As Kai woke up, having been able to rest in a prison world better than he did outside it, felt as if he had a magical hangover. Whatever spells Bonnie had used on him the night before, he was certainly still feeling it. He could at least keep silent as his eyes flickered open, the smell of pancakes floating into the room as his nearly awoken senses came back one by one.

He rubbed at his eyes to will the grogginess away, yawning and scratching his arm as he felt the thick material of a blanket against his skin. He brushed it off, recognizing he was still shirtless because of his injuries. And despite his growing urge to trail after Bonnie and ask how she'd managed to make pancakes in 1903, he knew he had to pay attention to that first.

With a deep breath, Kai sat up and closed his eyes, keeping his back straight as he placed both hands on his thighs. He gritted his teeth and began his search through his own body, his essence. The spell escaped him as it sought to heal and recognize the damage. The ability to heal oneself, as a witch who siphoned for most of his life no less, was a hard one. He needed to concentrate, in order not to repair tissue incorrectly.

Bonnie would have it too easy if he hurt himself doing a spell.

The remnants of Bonnie's spell must've still been there, though, because as his cells mended he could hardly feel the pain of their reconstruction. More like a tickle, right below his lungs, and once he was sure he'd repaired enough below the skin, he took to work on his leg.

This was trickier, the muscle she had hit being a key part of Kai's mobility. At least the stab in his back wasn't near the spine, but this? If he messed it up, he knew he'd feel the effects rather quickly.

After a good time spent concentrating, Kai let out a breath of relief as he wiped the sweat off his brow. Coven leader or not, some spells were rustier to him than others. It'd drained a bit, but he was fine. He knew if needed, he could always siphon a little. Yet considering the way Bonnie looked and touched him yesterday, without any real injury, she wouldn't be getting real close.

So yes, maybe he was going to keep that bothersome patch on. Just incase Bonnie considered taking it off for him when he asked.

He stood up and stretched, holding back a groan as his bones cracked and muscles tensed, before sighing and smirking as he headed towards the kitchen where his Bennett witch resided.


Bonnie worked quietly for most of the morning, naturally treasuring the time she had alone as she diligently scoured the Salvatore cabinets for ingredients. With a different cooling system that seemed to take her all the way down to the cellar, she'd spent just as much time trying to find things than it took to make them.

At least, there wasn't a shortage of pans as she got to cooking and make-shifting her cooking spray. What resulted were pancakes, some with strawberries sprinkled on top that she'd surprisingly found. Her focus was on packing another pancake on top of the second pile, one she'd begrudgingly made out of instinct. While she got swept up in the peacefulness of it all, she didn't notice or hear the siphon in the other room, and probably wouldn't have caught him entering the room if he wasn't so... shirtless.

Her eyes looked up as she plated her next pancake, the flicker causing her to meet Kai, who was pleasantly smiling like this was their weekend getaway, and not a prison,

imprisoned in you | k.p • b.bWhere stories live. Discover now