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The words left his lips in a breathless release when he died.

As if a message that he had received from something greater and more profound than himself. It did not feel like a confession of love or one of passion; he had already confirmed that before.

No, it was just the last thing he needed to promise her.

Even as he crumbled, in the most unlikely of struggles that Malachai could ever be trapped in. He'd be receiving a death that he for once did not deserve; he had saved someone. He actually did it. He was someone Bonnie could love.

Even in his final breaths, he needed to see it in her eyes.

He needed to see the expression on Bonnie's face, the flickers of joy, and the tenderness only two who had once despised each other could share. Even when the torture of their circumstances attempted to snuff it out, he needed that light in the darkness, to carry him over.

He wanted to say so many things. But this was all he could grasp in their stifled moments. His eyelids settled partially over his eye as the emotion seeped from them. They had once seemed so lively and alert.

As if Malachai could always find a way to predict the future, to scheme before something could truly take him out. Now, they were stone. A relic of the person who inhabited them.

She could not stand it, and between sobs that slammed air through her lungs and into her stomach, she could not swallow enough of it. She could not take the parts of him that were left and save him. Even as her magic threatened to surge, something told her it was not enough.

Kai was always destined to die, and she couldn't bear the idea of accepting it. He'd tried. He'd redeemed himself. He'd fixed things. He'd even felt the pain and the suffering that he had caused.

Why was it not enough?

Kai was dead. Malachai Parker, the leader of the Gemini Coven, the psychopath, the villain–dead.

Bonnie let out a scream like no other as she felt the last patters of his heartbeat fade away underneath her palms.

Because then, there was no more.


Author's Note

Yes this is 100% a long-winded TVD fanfic for the Bonkai ship that could've been. Before you read any further, I'd like to preface:

Yeah, they're toxic as fuck. As ENEMIES.

So let me blur the lines and make you see Bonnie and Kai as more than just that, (ehhh maybe even lovers? No? I'm pushing it? Ok sorry)

Idk though I personally believed their relationship was left with so much wasted potential, AND that Bonnie deserved every second of being absolutely beloved by a villain in the psycho crazy way that only damaged Kai Parker could provide.

So yea, strap in. This is your traditional crappy fan fiction from the good old days, which means I will be including a long-winded (probably TVD inaccurate sometimes) story that will go beyond my one-shot of having Kai and Bonnie trapped alone together with FEELINGS (even though that is all I really wanted in the series.)

Basically, they will grow and change, they will escape the prison world (or will they?) and they will face trials together. And yes, you will get to see them interact with other characters.

Small details I've adjusted AND maintained before we begin:

•Everything Kai did to Bonnie in previous worlds and during season six are MAINTAINED. Same as what he has done to other characters BEFORE his escape in the season finale wedding scene & interactions with the Heretics. I believe they've got to tear things down to rebuild and it helps the characters learn and grow (but I do not at all condone his actions or consider how he behaved  as anything more than TVD villain behavior.)

•Abuse isn't romantic. If you're expecting that, sorry?? They've got ton of angry stuff going on but that's not gonna be part of their romantic relationship.

•Lily does not feed one of the heretics the drop of blood. Kai and Bonnie discover them at a later time together. She leaves a letter instead.

•The deleted scene which I will link above will be referenced (in the feelings and thoughts that Kai expresses once gaining his emotions) if I actually do mention it in a scene between characters, I'll reiterate it in an author's note

•Kai's new feelings are key to his redemption, but he still maintains the old parts of himself that are loved by fellow fans, I promise.

If you do not like my adjustments, sorry. There are many great Bon/Kai fanfics out their to enjoy tho and I wholly encourage that you do!

Okay let's get started!! Enjoy~

(And yea I'll update Lovely soon I PROMISE)

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