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As the breakfast of nightmares continued on, the two got on surprisingly well when their focus had turned to licking their plates clean. By the end of it, the pitcher was nearly empty and the two lay back in their chairs in a mix of content and overindulgence.

Despite the peace, Bonnie didn't let it linger. She wanted to get up and work on surviving inside their prison. Likewise, something about spending so much time with Kai was starting to feel familiar, and not in the good way... considering their last stint of days spent together.

The comfortable silence, and the company, was nice though.

Kai, was of an entirely different opinion. He was stuck here for god knows how long, so settling into his new abode was certainly at the bottom of his priority list. He had the time for anything, if his escape was rooted in the unlikely chance of his redemption.

Besides, he wanted to relish the peaceful moment with Bonnie. It reminded him of the last time he'd tricked her into joining him for a meal, but this time it was less annoyed glares, and more so a few unconcerned glances his way before she snatched the orange juice.

And this time, Bonnie wasn't asking to split their snowy landscape into two and to head off in separate directions, and for the sake of his unbearable loneliness, he wasn't going to mess with that. It was a very, very good thing.

He didn't want to lose it.

"A wonderful meal, Bonster. Let me guess, I'm in charge of dinner?" Her eyes looked over to him, and despite whatever guarded instinct washed over her, she sighed out a response,

"If you promise not to poison me, maybe." He gave a cheery grin to that, before she added in with furrowed brows, "But according to our last deal... you're not so good at promises, are you?" Her voice had gone from casual to bitter so quickly, he could have missed it if he wasn't watching her so carefully.

Kai's grin fell slightly and he sighed, before reaching over and grabbing her plate as he stood, "Then, I will promise to do the dishes. No backstabbing involved." She chuckled to herself, albeit bitterly as he headed to the sink, her eyes following him when he circled back for the pitcher and his glass.

More like stomach stabbing and leaving me trapped in a prison world, completely alone.

He didn't take her drink—it was still half-full in her hand. His eyes flickered to her, his enjoyment at being admired more than apparent.

She bit her tongue as he walked away, but still had her gaze glued to him when he headed over to the sink. Once he turned his back to her she leaned the side of her face on the chair, giving the expanse of his back one of those long, studying stares again as she breathed out,

"You should be able to take those bandaids out already, Kai. And find a shirt." She commented before taking in the last few final gulps. Kai turned on the sink as he raised his head at her change of subject,

"I'll find a shirt when I get a new one, since you shredded mine. Besides, it shouldn't be distracting you this much... or is it?" He teased with a smirk, knowing it was a tough shot she'd say anything complimentary, but his ego was too big not to,

"It was a medical intervention, and beyond feeling like I'm looking at a baby deer? Nope, no distractions here." She replied as she got up, pushing in her chair before heading over to put her glass in the sink. Right when she was about to do so, Kai turned and raised an empty hand to take the glass.

Bonnie hesitated for a second, eyes flickering to his before pausing at the calm smirk on his lips, sighing as she placed it in his outstretched hand. As their skin brushed, he didn't miss his opportunity, leaning close,

imprisoned in you | k.p • b.bWhere stories live. Discover now