Chapter 16 - Uncharted part 1

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I saw some weird seaweed looking thing, making me confused automatically. I could tell there was water, but I didn't know any game that started out like that. I guessed it could've been one of my brother's or Dad's game, because I truly didn't know. But then the words started flashing in front of me.

There must be a beginning of any great matter, but the continuing unto the end until it be thoroughly finished yields the true glory. -Sir Francis Drake, 1587

"Oh, it's a quote…" I said stupidly, and watched the letters disappear. The game camera was moving around until there was a coffin with fancy shapes all over the front, and then the water disappeared, but the coffin did not. It was on something silver, but it wasn't underwater. One lady in particular started the talking, holding a camera up to it.

"I'm here off the coast of Panama, where we just discovered what we believe to be the coffin of legendary explorer, Sir Francis Drake, who was buried at sea over four hundred years ago." She said, and someone came in with a bar and started jamming it into the side of the coffin. "Are you sure you wanna be defiling your ancestor's remains like that?"

"You make it sound so dirty." The man laughed, making his way over to a different side. "Besides, I thought you didn't believe me."

The animation was better than most games, and I could tell where I was. I was on the boat now, I wasn't floating in space but I was up against a wall. I saw the bright blue sea with no land surrounding, so it had to be a boat. But I watched the couple, and the man was familiar, but I didn't recognize the girl. Even his last name, Drake. I thought about it, but one look, really good look at him- and I knew. He was Nathan Drake, the guy that my brother was named after. And this was…

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.

"Well, I did do my research." She pointed out, still holding the camera. "And apparently, Francis Drake didn't have any children."

"Well, history can be wrong, you know." He said as he lifted the lid to the coffin, making it open. "For example - you can't defile an empty coffin."

"What the hell-?" She asked angrily as he lifted it. I moved in a slight bit closer to see.

He completely removed the top. I walked quietly behind the woman, getting the best look I could afford. There was a little case which he opened, lifting out a book with a red cover that was very damaged. "You devil." He started laughing again.

"What is it? C'mon, hold it up-." She started, getting the camera steady in her hands.

"No, no, no - no way." He stated, shoving his hand over the lens. "The deal was for a coffin, that's it."

"Wait a minute, if my show hadn't funded this expedition, you wouldn'tve-"

"Hey, hey." He said quickly, cutting her off. "You got your story, lady."

"Look, Mr. Drake, you signed a contract. I have a right to see every single thing that-"

"Whoa, whoa. Could you hold that thought?" Nathan asked as he stepped aside of her and faced the opposite direction. He picked up one of the walkie-talkies. "Sully? Uh, we got some trouble. Hurry it up." He ordered through, but I clamped my remote just in case anything stupid happened.

"Okay, okay - what's going on?" The woman asked, running with her camera as her blonde hair flew behind her. Her and Nathan kept running in different directions, and he was obviously purposely trying to avoid her.

"Uh… Pirates." He answered back with a shrug.

"Pirates!?" She exclaimed, letting out a laugh.

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