Chapter 17 - Uncharted part 2

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The boat stops and we're in a different jungle, although I don't exactly know where. But I follow Nathan and Sully anyway, hoping they know where they're going. Actually I've kind of been hiding from them, because they don't exactly know I got on the boat. But if they find something cool, I want to experience it, right? After all, this is Uncharted.

I tiptoe to the nearest tree as I see Sully stop, hands on his knees and leaning over. "Hold on. Hold on, kid. I'm not as young as I used to be."

"You weren't too old for that little barmaid in Lima, were you?" Nathan laughed, but they kept moving, making me follow them stealthily.

"Well, that was different. Although, I must admit, equally as strenuous."

"Well, hang in there, old timer. We're just about there."

"Y'know, this reminds me. Have I ever told you about the time I pawned a phony sixteenth-century santo off on Pablo Escobar?" Sully asked, but I shook my head at their off-topicness and kept following them, hoping I wasn't being loud. "Ah, risky move, but by the time he figured it out I was-" He stopped as Nathan kept running ahead of him. "Nate, are you even listening to me?"

I laughed lightly, and I think he was. I wouldn't be listening either if he wasn't yelling. "Hanging on every word." Nathan shouted back, deep sarcasm in his voice.

"Ah, why waste my breath." Sully muttered, and I was close enough to hear. We traveled through the large ground plants on a path in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere, and they stopped. "Well?"

Nathan stopped, looking around with a confused expression on his face. "I don't get it."

"Well, if you didn't leave Elena back there, you probably would've found it." I stated, coming out of my hiding place.

"How the hell did you get here?" Sully asked, dumbfounded.

"Doesn't matter. I'm not getting ditched that easily." I concluded, standing my ground.

"You still shouldn't be here. It's dangerous." Nathan pointed out, gesturing his hands towards the jungle. "You don't want your parents to worry, do ya?"

"My parents are dead."  I cried softly, my eyes tearing up slightly. I sniffed and wiped them away before they could respond. "But, uh, what's wrong?"

"According to this we're right on top of the mark." Nathan informed, still looking around for anything that could help.

"Maybe you're not reading that thing right." Sully pointed out, approaching him, holding out his hand. "Let me see it."

"No, this is the place." Nathan said confidently, nodding his head.

"There's nothing here, Nate." Sully stated, and he was kinda right. There was the usual jungle, but nothing out-of-the-ordinary or anything. "Another goddamn dead end."

"Easy, Sully. Just relax." Nathan said, lowering his voice. "Let's take a look around."

And then we headed off, but I didn't have to hide anymore. I was happy to be with them, just because it was safer and the game progressed with them. I was just another program.

"Oh man, this is like trying to find a bride in a brothel." Sully muttered, making me laugh. But we found our way towards some stone pillars that were taller than us, and I knew we were on the right track. "Well, now this is more like it!" We kept going, and there were walls made of stone, but they were equal distances away from each other. "What do you think this is - Incan? Nah, it's older than that. Like two thousand years older."

I shook my head at his rambling as I saw Nathan start to climb stuff, so I followed behind him. The rocks and sticks were grinding against my skin, but we got up. When he started jumping onto it, that's what freaked me out.

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