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Title: Devoted: Prison boys fanfiction edition

Author: adelinangeles

Genre: Fanfiction, Historical fiction

Language: English

Chapters: 18

Status: Completed

My Review:

Okay... Okay... okay people. Today is a new new new underated work that I will gonna review. For me this is lit. Since Prison boys fans may be jumped already in another fandom and forgot about it or maybe they doesn't feel to do fanfics about it.

So "Devoted" already introduced itself. You can already see that the author put a notice that she doesn't own the "Prison Boys". Believe me this is a great game.

So here it goes. We will start from Shin Katara who I assumed half Filipino and Japanese? Or something. She's half half okay. Just look at her name and last name.

She's juvenile and love life okay? She's easy going but sometimes she misses her dead father.

(༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)

New reaction of my emoji right? That's how I feel.

Then, THEEEENNN she encountered the game!


She got addicted about it and then boom! She's been part of the game. She finished the game already and knows the plot but she can't believe with her two eyes so she's confused why someone chasing her and of course gurl run!

That's the first day. I mean HER first day. She met Kouji and Yomato accidentally and then that "someone" who's chasing her turns out one of Kouji and Yomato's colleague. That guy insist that Shin stole something but then Kouji save her and thanks to Yuriko who called her "Milady Osuna".

Who's a famous noble.

And Shin Katara was like: Wait. WHUT?!

Then of course that has to be pass. Then she spent days and days there. Just kidding we won't gonna fast forward because this is my one of my favorites.

As Shin was being chaotic on her mind she just believes that she need to warn Naoya about his death. Shin was like a pretty spoiler to them.

Now let's call her Osuna because she's Osuna now who's not existing in the story at all.

✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ Happiness...

So Osuna was trying to find Saizo. You know the kid who help him to study about the flower which is turns out a drug?

So yeah but instead of him she bumped again at Kouji and I was like, Hmm... Kouji is okay he's the antagonist here.

Of course!  Don't forget Yomato's anger issues. When he sees Osuna his raging HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

So then in the third meeting as I remember she met Kouji again and they go to a coffee shop (where Mitsuru, Nagi and Tetsu goes in the real story).

So the days went so on because you know I want you guys to experience and to read it by yourself.

But! But! But! We are not done yet!

After those events. Osuna tried to know Kouji's story but Kouji is being a tsun tsun and pushing her away because he believes that he need to focus to his secret organization for the better of Japan.

Since he shoo shoo her away Mitsuru took the place and grab the chance. Osuna and Mitsuru became close and became lovers.

Osuna( Which is Shin our gamer) doesn't know what the characters back story because it was a another story you need to purchase. Especially she didn't know that Mitsuru is a fallen noble.

Osuna and Mitsuru who's too in love to one another that made Kouji to get jealous and he planned to destroy those two love birds relationship so yeah...


Then of course Mitsuru is broken hearted but wasn't ready to give up but Osuna's dad talk to him.

He was like : Give up at my daughter ಠ益ಠ

But Mitsuru was like: Sorry to say sir but hell nah!¯\_( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )_/¯

And I was like: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Of course he was defeated and no choice but to broke Osuna's heart

Gosh I hate that part cause it made me cry (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ) I hate you author (ᗒᗩᗕ)

Just kidding!

Then Osuna is broken and can't focus now I mean she lost already focus when she fallen in love.

*Insert three inches of heaven*

Then Osuna was a sobber and Kouji realized that he loves her. He tried to express his feelings but he got rejected in the end.

One last time they met and Osuna sing for him saying goodbye. That day is Osuna's last day on earth! Just kidding! Last day on that game and his wedding day.

When she was about to go outside she realized something and get back to her senses.

Sooooooooo.... That's make her a runaway bride.

Anyway she successfully save Saizo but she died on the arms of Kouji, she's killed by her brother.

ಥ╭╮ಥ Ah damn. This is why sometimes I hate the author.

Anyway after that she gave him the comb was like: Kouji you fool get this and you'll prove me I'm not wrong.

Kouji was like: Whut?!

And I was like: So touching༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

Then she died.

She got back to her real world.

Thankfully and not so thankful.

Osuna, I mean Shin! Was in a 3 years asleep. Then she met the vendor from the game in her real world and said to her: Everything is illusion you real we fake.

Shin was like: Whut? It can't be!"

And I was like: Now I'm confused.

The vendor vanished like a thin air.

I was like: That's it? You sure?

Then... Then... Then! Someone showed up and Shin starting crying and the guy was hella confused but in the end it make sense.

And you know what? It was a fucking cliffhanger! I need more chapters!

So yeah in this review I have so many comments because I REALLY Do and I'm commenting in every chapter, well in chapters that I love from this story.

At first read it may look like a boring and whatsoever but it wasn't! It wasn't! It was fantastic but of course you have your own opinions and I don't care.

So yeah this is review is another hella long one :').

To the author:

Anyway I want more chapters don't leave us hanging you know?༎ຶ‿༎ຶ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ I love your stories so please have mercy on my heart and mind and give me more chapters there are so many questions that need to be answered.

So yeah that's it and I'll rate it 10000/10 it may be so exaggerated but I don't care I want to rate it like that so what?

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