The Case of Oikawa Tooru

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"Oikawa-san, please teach me your serve,"

Oikawa is looking at Tobio incredulously as the others in the gym ignores them, used to Tobio's usual request to Oikawa and Oikawa's constant rejection. Oikawa sighed as he rubbed his temple.

"Tobio-chan... how many days has it been now? What makes you think that today was going to be different?"

"But today you might finally agree to teach me! Or tomorrow! So, Oikawa-san, can you please teach me how to serve?"

Oikawa falters a bit as Tobio continues to look at him with his blue eyes sincerely. Composing himself, Oikawa reaches out his hands and squishes Tobio's cheeks.

"Tobio-chan~ That was unfair. You can't use that face next time," Oikawa whines as Tobio stares at him in confusion, cheeks still squished between Oikawa's hands.

"What do you mean, Oikawa-san?" His words are a bit muffled thanks to the continuous squishing until Oikawa stopped and let his hands rests on Tobio's shoulders. Oikawa sighs once more before his face lights up and he looks at Tobio with a dazzling smile that causes heat to rise to Tobio's cheeks.

"How about this, Tobio-chan. I'll teach you my serve, in exchange for a kiss from you,"

At this, Tobio's blush rises, making his whole face as he sputtered, "Wha—kiss? But I've never—"

Oikawa raises his eyebrow, "You never kiss? Does that mean I will be your first kiss?!" Oikawa grew excited. They are starting to garner the attention of the others in the gym. Kindaichi looks as if he's deciding whether to continue watching or go up to them and pull Tobio away. Kunimi is looking at them with his usual bored eyes though there's a tinge of curiosity in it as if he's eager to see what will happen next. Iwaizumi looks like he is 5 seconds away from murdering Oikawa.

"But—if I give you my first kiss, will you teach me how to serve, Oikawa-san?" the blush on Tobio's face has faded a bit, leaving a pink hue on his cheeks. Oikawa grinned at his question as his hand slips under Tobio's chin and lifts it, forcing Tobio to look at only Oikawa and nothing else. Oikawa's face came closer.

"Why don't you find out?"

A volleyball hit directly at Oikawa's temple, forcing him away from Tobio who seems to have snapped out from whatever trance he was in before.

"That hurts, Iwa-chan!"

"Well, it's going to hurt even more if you don't stop sexually harassing Kageyama and takes practice seriously!"

"I'm not sexually harassing anyone!"

As the bickers continue, Kindaichi came beside Kageyama as his face scrunches up in worry. Kageyama dismisses the worries as his hand unconsciously went to his lips. He looks at the red string connecting their fingers.

'Maybe one day...'


They won the practice match but barely scraping it in the last set. Even with the appearance of Oikawa Tooru, Tobio didn't let his presence disrupts his concentration. Even if Oikawa's form remains as beautiful as ever, Tobio keeps his head cool throughout the game.

Even when Kindaichi said that they were never friends, he kept his composure even if he can his hands tremble a bit at those words. When Hinata interrupts, he clenches his fist as he stares straight at Kindaichi and declares that they will defeat them the next time.

When he is with Hinata and the rest of Karasuno, there's a sense of comfort and safety among them.

But when he saw Oikawa waiting at the gate, he felt his composure falling.

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