Kageyama Tobio: Reprise

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When Kageyama Kazuyo died, a part of Tobio died as well and Tobio had never felt so alone as he is now. The one person who is always beside him playing volleyball and the only one who share the world they see is gone and after that, he can no longer see what's around him, which causes his teammate hatred to grow to the point of abandoning him and he couldn't really blame them.

The red string who was supposed to show him the one person who would be by his side ended up hurting him more than he would admit. Seeing Oikawa serve for the first time is what causes his heart to start pouring affection towards Oikawa even if that affection is one-sided and the small kindness Oikawa showed every now and then only cemented those feelings and Tobio truly believed that Oikawa is the right fated person for him.

But seeing Hinata jumped for the first time during their first middle school tournament invoke a feeling within him, something similar to when he first saw Oikawa serves. And the moment Hinata declares that he would be there for Tobio's toss, Tobio knows that what he feels towards Hinata are similar to his feelings towards Oikawa even if it wasn't as intense. Hinata is very different from Oikawa. He sucks at volleyball and he is loud in a way a bird would screech for no reason. Plus, he is way shorter than Tobio. How could someone so different from Oikawa Tooru invoke the same feeling within him?

And Tobio enjoys Hinata's company. He is the only one who is able to keep up with him. Even if Hinata got intimidated by Tobio at times, he never hesitates to return the jab that Tobio give. No matter how impossible the toss Tobio gave, Hinata never gives up trying to be there and as such, Tobio never hesitates to push Hinata past his limits, even more than the others.

But even so, Tobio is still tied; figuratively and literally. His heart never stops loving Oikawa but he was scared of this new feeling towards Hinata. He was scared that there wouldn't be enough space for all those feelings and his heart would end up breaking. And the fear of the unknown if he chooses a path different from what was fated. Even when Oikawa continue hurting him, Tobio was too stubborn to let go of those feelings.

But he didn't notice Oikawa's hidden kindness. Slowly pushing him away in fear of hurting him but Tobio was too stubborn and blind to see it. Unconsciously, he must have been hurting Oikawa as well but Oikawa still stayed strong. It seems like he still has a long way to go to catch up to Oikawa.

Miya Atsumu reminded him of Oikawa Tooru in some way. His words can be sharp and condescending but unlike Oikawa, Miya is friendly towards him. He easily gave out tips on volleyball and eager to train with Tobio whenever he asks for it. Miya is kind towards him even if the teasing reminded him too much of Oikawa at times. And the fact that Miya could also see the red string create a sense of familiarity within them. It feels like he doesn't need to hide a part of himself from him. What he feels towards Miya Atsumu is different from what he feels towards Oikawa and Hinata but Tobio still likes Miya.

The kiss from Miya confuses him but now, Tobio's head feels clearer than before and he knows what he has to do and knows what his heart wants.

"If she wasn't as kind, I wouldn't have fallen for her every day till this day,"

"My fate is whatever I choose, right?"

"In the end, it's only worth to love someone who loves you in return; the best and the worst of you,"

"Your eyes have already wandered somewhere else, your heart is still stubbornly holding on to a feeling invoked by a mere string,"

"Tobio-chan, I love you,"

There are all kinds of love. His gift allows him to see only one kind of love and that blinded him. If it wasn't because of the people around him, he wouldn't have notice other things.

Red StringOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora