Oikawa Tooru: Another Side

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If Oikawa Tooru could reverse time, he would probably spike his younger self in the head.

In his defence, it is something that everyone would like to do; exerting pain towards their younger self. Though for Tooru, he would never think about doing it before. Sure, there were times where Tooru feels regret. Not being able to defeat Ushijima Wakatoshi and setting foot to the Nationals is one of them. Though thinking of his hardworking teammates helps in dispersing those thoughts. Even if they never did manage to make it to the Nationals, he is still proud of his team.

No, what made him regret the most involves his adorable, annoying junior, Kageyama Tobio.

The first time he met Kageyama Tobio, he thought that he was adorable. Huge doe blue eyes and the badly hidden excitement that can be seen through the jitters on his body. Kageyama Tobio loudly announces himself and his position. Setter. Similar to him. At first, he never really thought deeply about it. Kageyama Tobio was just another adorable underclassman with the same position as him. Tobio would adorably follow his every step like a baby chick and never seems to take his eyes off Tooru and Tooru enjoyed the attention. But then he saw Tobio plays and that changes everything.

Kageyama Tobio wasn't just another underclassman. He's a threat to Tooru. Unlike Tooru, Kageyama Tobio is a genius, naturally born with talents. His toss is so accurate it's as if there's a sniper scope behind those huge blue eyes. Despite his talents, Tobio doesn't seem to be very bright when it comes to other things. He had trouble speaking to his peers, stuck between stuttering shyness and blunt honesty and he wasn't very good when it comes to studying (Tooru had accidentally seen his test results and even though the blush on Tobio's face was amusing, the single digits were quite worrying).

It wasn't so intimidating at first; Tobio's growing talents. It was fun at first teasing the boy. His gullible and earnest nature made him an easy target for the teasing. It was all good-natured though. All for the sake of seeing more of the amusing expression from his adorable underclassman. Tobio himself seems to be very attached to Tooru for some reason. Always asking for Tooru's advice and ask him to teach him how to serve. He rejected it, of course. As if he would help his rival getting more upper hand. But the kid was persistent. Never gets tired of asking him every day despite the constant rejection. In a way, that persistent attitude was perhaps enviable on its own.

Apparently, he wasn't the only one feeling threatened by Tobio's talent. Though unlike him, the others took a less mature way in dealing with it. Sure, he teases and refuses Tobio but he would never use such cruel words on Tobio nor would he ever lay a hand on him.

The reason he discovers was thanks to Tobio's shitty ability to lie. When he asks about the bruised hand, Tobio stuttered out some bullshit excuse as he averted his eyes. Tooru doesn't probe further but he gives out a genuine scolding on taking care of his hands as a setter. Soon as Tobio left, the fury Tooru felt overwhelms him. He himself doesn't understand why he felt this way. After all, Kageyama Tobio is just some cheeky adorable junior who gets on his nerve. Why does seeing the kid clearly hurt by someone else affects him this much?

The moment he hears Tobio's whimpers as well as mocking laughter inside the supposedly empty gym are when he snapped. He opened the gym door to be greeted by the sight of Tobio leaning against the wall surrounded by three of their teammates. Tobio's face scrunches up in pain and though he wasn't crying, he can see his eyes glinting with unshed tears. The formerly laughing teammates stopped as soon as they saw Tooru getting near them. From this distance, Tooru can see Tobio's right hand cradled by his other hand. It was trembling and the previous bruise worsens as it grows an angry purple.

At that moment, it took his whole consciousness to restraint himself from beating the other upperclassmen. His fists tremble so much that if he hadn't taken a deep breath a few times, it would have easily gone flying to one of their faces. Instead, he looks at them dead in the eyes, empty smile staring and asked in the coldest voice he had ever use.

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