The Case of Tsukishima Kei

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When the third years at Kitagawa Daiichi graduates, Tobio was the first to left the ceremony.

He had nothing to say to Oikawa and he's pretty sure neither does Oikawa.

But the next day, Kindaichi came to his class to give him an envelope with a button in it. To be more precise, the second button. Kindaichi said that it was from Oikawa though Tobio couldn't believe it. There's no way Oikawa would have given him his second button unless this is one of his other cruel jokes though Kindaichi insists that Oikawa himself had given him the envelope with the direct instructions to deliver it to Tobio and thus Tobio reluctantly accepts it.

Even now the button was left inside the envelope inside his second drawer. He couldn't bear to look at it but neither can he throw it away.


While Tobio was never one to pay attention to appearances, he had always like Oikawa's appearance. Tobio likes those curly brown hair and his pretty face. Even when most of Oikawa's smile feels fake and cold, Tobio loves the smile he gave whenever their team won a set or whenever Iwaizumi acted like a mother to their teammates.

Rarely are those smiles directed at Tobio though.

Now, Oikawa is looking at him in shock with a little kid beside him.



Even during Interhigh, they had only exchanged glances and never spoke a word to each other. After their date, it seems like their relationship just plummets down into oblivion.

"Oi...Oikawa-san, what are you doing?"

"Looking after my nephew,"

The kid beside him greet him and Tobio greets him back albeit awkwardly. Oikawa's previously shocked face had reverted to impassiveness. Tobio feels his throat drying. No words are coming out of his mouth but even if he could, he doesn't know what to say to him.

"Cat got your tongue?" Oikawa is smirking at him and Tobio can feel himself blushing.

"Well, I need to go now. Bye,"

Tobio panicked. Even if he had nothing to say to Oikawa about their fucked-up relationship, he still needs an outside opinion regarding his situation with Hinata.

"Um—Oikawa-san I—"

"Don't wanna! Stuuupid!"

"I haven't said anything yet! Please, Oikawa-san. Listen to what I have to say..." he bowed down to Oikawa, hoping that he'll at least listen to him for a while.

If Tobio had lifted his head during that time, he wouldn't have missed Oikawa's eyes softened ever so slightly.


"Your attitude is still horrible Oikawa-san. I'm sure Takeru agrees too,"

"Yeah, Tooru sucks,"

"Why are you two ganging up on me?! I'm the one who's buying the ice-creams!"

In actuality, he didn't mind much of his picture bowing being taken by Oikawa but it feels comfortable just talking to Oikawa with the presence of Takeru. With Takeru in the mix, this makes it two kids that didn't cry immediately at the sight of Tobio.

Even right now, sitting on a bench with Takeru in between him and Oikawa with ice cream in their hands, he is reminded of that sunny day with Hinata and Natsu.

"So, what do you want, Tobio?"

Tobio hesitates, "...Erm, well... if Iwaizumi-san started talking about doing an unreasonable sort of attack, what would you—"

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