Hinata Shouyou: Another Side

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The moment the ball hit his head is when everything changes for Hinata Shouyou.

Up until now, Shouyou had lived his life normally with a normal family consisting of his parents and his dearest little sister, Natsu. He himself is a normal who loves hanging out with his friends, sports, and ever since he saw the Little Giant, volleyball.

Even when he was the only one in the volleyball club at Yukigaoka Junior High, his love for volleyball never diminished. He knows that compared to all the other more experienced player from the other school, his skill is that of a little bird learning how to fly after all the other little bird had already soared in the sky. Despite that, he never stops practising, trying and playing. His friends, despite already busy with their club, always helps him with his practice which he is forever grateful for. However, he would appreciate it if the ball Izumi toss didn't directly hit his head and made him lost consciousness.

The moment he opened his eyes, the changes were very subtle at first and sure, Shouyou was never the brightest of the student but who would notice such a thin, almost unnoticeable line that suddenly appears on people's finger?

It was gradual. He noticed the slight glint of red on Izumi's finger first though he dismissed it as a slight concussion as Izumi checks on him nervously. As his vision cleared, now he can see that Kouji had the same glint of red as well. Thin and almost translucent, the red strings are tied neatly to their fingers with a pretty little bow on them. It stretches far; so far that Shouyou could not see the end of the strings.

"I must have hit my head harder than I thought... That was a good toss though Izumi!"

Shouyou was then forced to return home by Izumi and Kouji. Usually, he would practice longer than this but even his protest is lacklustre as he let himself be dragged home by his friends. They both apologize to Shouyou's mom once at the front door and his mom just laughs and said that this was a common occurrence for her son. Befuddled, Shouyou was about to counter with an 'I'm not that clumsy!' when he noticed it.

The red string.

Compared to Izumi and Kouji's string, his mom string is much brighter in colour and unlike their strings, Shouyou can see where the end of the string is. And that's when Shouyou understood.

The red string of fate.

Because what else could explain the red string that connected his mother and father if not the red string that connected lovers?

There's no one who doesn't know of the legend and frankly, Shouyou was overjoyed by this. He is still a bit confuse and disoriented (getting hit by a ball really hurts...) but he can say with confidence that that instance was one of the most excitable moments of his life. His mother notices this but he wasn't able to articulate an appropriate response for his sudden excitement so he just grins while his family looks at him confused but accepting. They didn't question further though his father teases that perhaps spring has finally come for Shouyou in which elicit a blush and a very strong denial from Shouyou.

Even Natsu's finger is tied with the string though it's as translucent as Izumi and Kouji and this fact kind of makes Shouyou's heart clenches at the thought of his baby sister leaving him to marry some unknown person. Though his excitement faded a bit once he noticed his finger.


There is not even a tiny, thin line on it. It is completely empty. Normal.

Hinata Shouyou doesn't have the red string of fate.

He tried to rationalize it. Perhaps the person who can see the red string wouldn't be able to see their string? It made sense. After all, wouldn't it be unfair if he is able to seek out his fated partner with cheat codes? Plus, where's the challenge in knowing who the love of your life is without getting to know them first?

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