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"I don't want you to leave!" I said holding Sadie tightly.

It was the day that Sadie was going back to Texas. She stayed in Canada for about a week but it was time for her to go.

"I have to!" She said trying to push me away. "No!" I said holding her tighter. "Finn I can't breathe!" She said still trying to push me away.

"Fine." I said, slowly releasing my arms.

I heard Sadie's plane was about to leave in 5 minutes. "Finn I really need to go." She said looking in my eyes.

I sighed, "Promise me you will FaceTime me as soon as you get home."

"Promise." She said smiling at me. I smiled back, I then gave her a kiss on the cheek and hugged her one last time.

"Bye, Sadie"

"Bye, Finn!" She said starting to walk to her gate.

"I'll still text you!" She yelled

I smiled. "Are you guys done?" Nick asked. I rolled my eyes, "Yes."

"Let's go then." Nick said jiggling the keys.

we fell in love in october 🍁 fadieWhere stories live. Discover now