Ambushed (Nat Romanoff)

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As you tried to dodge the bullets that the black hooded men was shooting at you, an unnoticeable grenade was thrown behind you, making you startled.

What the fuck?!

You quickly shook your head to the direction where the grenade was thrown at, finding the bastard who threw it. Your eyes scanned the sight then you found a muscular man, trying to hold a grip on you.

Instinctly, you grabbed your knife from one of your pockets then punched his nose and quickly stabbed his throat with it, making him groan and stared at the gushing red blood from his hands, down to his shirt, then his eyes widen.

That's what you get, bitch.

You chuckled, forgot for a second that you were currently being ambushed. That gave them some time to shoot you in the head, then failed and shot your right arm instead.

Your eyes widen, half pissed at them and half frustrated at yoursel for being so stupid. Then reloading your gun, you shot back at them, hitting them in their heads, leaving them dead. You don't know how many of them are there but as you killed the annoying idiot who shot your arm. There isn't really anyone attacking anymore.

Finally, no more annoying bitches who ruined your day.

So you picked up your Chinese food at the side of the building's door like where you left it, then headed back to where you parked your motorcycle.

Luckily, you can still drive with your injured arm, you rushingly hurried to the Avengers Compound to where your family are, the Avengers.

You have been recruited a few months ago, and so far, it has been a blast. You felt like you fitted into something, finally. You haven't felt this happy your whole life.


Upon arriving to the Compound, you parked your motorcycle to where you usually park it at. Then headed to the main door, only to find Nat talking to Wanda.

You stood awkwardly in front of the two, gripping at the Chinese Food that you offered to buy for the boys and the two redheads making them aware of your presence and gasped when they noticed your bloody arm.

"Um yeah, it's probably cold right now..." You nervously smiled, gesturing at the Chinese food that you were currently holding.

"Y/N, what happened to you!" Nat exclaimed worriedly, rushing over to you to examine your wound closer.

"I was ambushed... I'm fine though, it's just a little scratch" you explained, nervously. You were lying, obviously. As much as it stings, you didn't want to be a burden to them.

"This isn't just scratch, you have been shot!" Wanda exclaimed as she says it, clearly worried.

"I'm fine, it's not even stinging right now" you lied, as smiling at the two worried redheads in front of you.

"Well, fine or not, we still need to cover it... Unless you want an infection" Nat sternly stated, her emerald gaze fixed on you, making you internally nervous.

Not in a scared way. The other way.

"Okay..." You nodded as she grabbed your uninjured arm and took it, guiding you to wherever she wants you to.


You stared at her as she was busy finding the equipment that she needed upon aiding your pained arm, until she looked up, stared at you then said,


Awkwardly, you obeyed her as she moved closer to you. You gulped, as the red tint of blush appeared on your face upon seeing how close she were to you.

Then suddenly, she whispered "Take off your jacket". Obeying her, you took off your jean jacket. She took your arm then started.

"Y/N, this might sting but I want you to stay calm, okay?" Nat mumbled loudly and soothingly at you, as you nodded in response. You can tell that you were definitely red as a tomato right then and there.


As she was finishing up, putting a band-aid on your wound. She smiles, whispered, "All better" with her breathingly raspy voice.

"Thanks" you mumbled, sending her a genuine smile as you got up from where you seated. You hugged her, friendly way, of course. As she was taken a bit surprised but eventually hugged you back, you smiled into the hug. As you hear her mumble, "Anytime".

As you both pulled away, she nudged you left arm and said "You gotta be careful next time, dumbass"

"Yes ma'am"

Def not canon, and sorry if some of this don't make sense 😭 it was 2:52 when I wrote this, leave me be

Also lmfaooo y'all bitches didn't tell me that I messed up the grammar in the title smh 😭 I'm blinD-

Anyway, feel free to comment.

- Steph

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