1994 (Deena Johnson)

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not rlly in a relationship, more like a best friend typa ship... I ain't gon break Sameena up wtf 👁️👁️

Just reminding you that this is definitely not canon.

A month and 16 days.

That's how many days you have been away from your hometown, Shadyside.

I wonder what's Deena, Kate and Simon doing right now...

You thought. You wished that you didn't need to come to Florida, you didn't really know why you needed to.

"Sweetie, I need to talk to you" your mom says, standing beside your door. You look up to her, she looked sad, worried even.

"Okay..." You mumbled out, confused on what happened.

"Have you heard about what happened to your friends?" She whispered, slowly walking towards my bed and when she did, she softly sat on it.

Wait, what the fuck happened?!

"What happened?" Your voice grows worried, as you looked at her in her eyes full of worry. This doesn't feel good.

"Your friends, um- Kate and Simon... They had caused a tragedy in a supermarket and got killed... They had killed a lot of people, Y/N"

You laughed, thinking that she was joking. Then when you realized that she wasn't laughing with you, your laughter died down and you sat on your bed, as you lifted your head to see your mother's reaction.

She looked sad, and as you continued to stare at her, your mood suddenly dropped, filling your eyes with tears and your heart with misery. You took a sharp breath, to somehow stop the tears from spilling.

"You're joking..." Your voice was shaky, as you shook your head, in denial of everything.

"I thought they were good kids..." Your mom whispered.

"W-what? No! That's not them, they would never do that! Mom, you know them!" You scoffed, as your voice broke then your eyes began to water, trying to defend them.

"I need to go back there..." You whispered, wiping the tears from your cheeks. You stood up, looking furious and utterly upset.


"Mom, please... I know that we needed to stay here for another month but I need to know what happened to my friends. Even if it's just me, I'm willing to go back there..." you pleaded, as if your life depended on it.

"Okay..." then she agreed.


"Mom, thank for letting me... I really appreciate it..." You let out, after 25 minutes of a silent car ride.

"That's the least I can do... I know you're going through a tough time right now..."

"Thanks, mom" you sadly smiled, then looked at the window as the car that you were in arrived at the airport. You sighed, about to go to open the door to step out, until you heard your mom's voice.


You hummed in response.

"I'm sorry I couldn't go back with you to Shadyside..."

"Mom, it's fine. I know you're busy with dad and the campaign... And besides, I'll be fine, you gave me the house key, remember?"

"Sweetie, take care please"

"Will do, Mom"


You are currently sitting on the plane, thinking about your friends. As your heart quickened at the thought of them. You were crushed about the news.

I need to find Deena when I get there.


You stood at Deena's front door, knocking on it. You figured that the doorbell is too loud so you simply just knocked. It was currently night time and you knew that it was a bad time to visit. But knowing Deena, she's probably still awake right now.

You knocked once again, then heard someone's footsteps from inside, coming towards the door. Then suddenly, it opened, revealing Josh.

"Y/N" he whispered.

"Josh" you whispered back, tearingly as he wrapped you in a hug.

"A lot has happened while you're away..."

"Is it true?" your voice cracked.


"About Simon and Kate..." Your voice went small, barely even whispering, but somehow he can still hear you.

"Why don't you come inside"



You sat on their dining table, fiddling with your fingers as he sat across you.

"While you were away..."

He sighed as he began explaining things that seemed odd to you, but somehow, you believed it. He explained about what happened to Heather, which made your heart sink. Then he explained about what happened to Heather's ceremony and what happened after that, leading them to have serial killers after them.

"But it's okay now, we ended it" he said.

You stared at him, as you saw a bloody hand on his shoulder, you looked up only to find Deena, clutching on her bloody stomach.

You sat there frozen.


Deena bought you two to the kitchen, and the first one to catch your eye was a possessed looking Sam, tied up with a phone wire around her body.

"What the-" you let out.

Sorry if none of this made sense. And I gotta tell you, this is absolutely not cannon. And I'm also still not sure about this so I'll probably make a part two if you guys hopefully like it. :)

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