The Girl At Scoops (Robin Buckley)

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"Welcome to Scoops, what can I get you?" A girl in a sailor uniform plainly said, clearly bored while staring at the table counter, not making eye contact.

"I-Um, one scoop of chocolate, please" you smiled looking at her, trying to be friendly. You knew her of course, but never actually knew her full name, just Buckley. You sat behind her and admired her during your English classes for a year, 8th grade.

"Oh-kay, coming right up" She must have a rough day or something, you thought.

"I INTERCEPTED A SECRET RUSSIAN TRANSMISSION!" A curly haired boy abruptly yelled out. You turned your head to the boy, confusingly. The boy's voice was loud, getting all the unwanted concerned and confused gazes from the other people at the ice cream shop.

You heard the girl groan, still scooping your chocolate ice cream and when she was done, you handed her the money in exchange for your ice cream.

"Have a nice day" she said, still in her monotonic voice and most definitely, still no eye contact.

"Yeah, you too-" you smiled, glancing at her name tag that said, "-Robin" you said as you read the little name tag on her uniform, still grinning. Finally, her name.

She looked up to face you, guilt filling up her body for treating you like an apparent shit. Few minutes of interaction, you see her actually smiling. Your heart fluttered.

A smile definitely looks good on her.

"Y/N" you heard her mumble.

She knows you. How?


"Wait so you're saying that she knows your name?! Are you even sure it really is Buckley?!"

You sat on your bed, telling what happened earlier to your best friend, Maggie as she freaked out.

"Yep" You nodded, popping the 'p'.

"Oh my god! And I wasn't even there!! How dare you!!!" Maggie shook you by your shoulders, screaming.

"It's so hard to believe you right now, like are you fucking with me?" She calmed down, slowly asking you just to make sure.

"Why's it such a big thing, it's not like she even knows I fancy her..."

"Damn, it least she notices you. Steve barely noticed me"

"Speaking of Steve, I think he works there"

"Steve? Steve Harrington?"

"I'm pretty sure you know the Steve I'm talking about"

"Oh my god, they're ice cream buddies?! Let's go there tomorrow!!"

It's been so long lmfao hi

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