The Past

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It was like any ordinary afternoon for the gang. It was extremely hot out so we were all thinking of things to cool us off. "We could all walk down to Jed's to get some ice cream?" Darry offered. "What about going down to the community pool. It's only a few blocks down it won't be that long a walk?" Soda explained. " Wait I just finished fixing my truck and I put in extra seats so we can all fit in the truck. Let's go to the beach that's like an hour away from here!" Steve practically yelled so loud I am sure that the Soc's heard him.

"All you guys ideas are ass." Dallas groaned. "What you got a better idea Mr. grumps. Let's hear it." Two slurred as he was drunk again. As I was rolling my eyes because I am going to have to take care of my brother tonight Dallas said "Man your brother is so annoying. Abby shut em' up would ya." He knows that I hate it when someone says something about Two especially since he is my brother that I love dearly. 

"Listen Tucker, talk bad about my brother one more time and you'll be gettin' a beating." I said earning a bunch of snickers out of the gang since I know he hates his middle name. "Oooo you better watch it there missy or your brother over there is going to be the one getting beaten." Dallas said. I looked at him with all the hatred that I could muster. "Threaten my brother like that again, I am going recreate the New York scene but this time you'll be the dead man." I said through gritted teeth. 

The gang just sat there with shocked looks on their faces. I was wondering why because their used to Dallas and I fighting but then I remembered that we never told them what happened in New York. Johnny was the first one speak. "W-what happened in New York?" It was so quiet you could hardly hear what he said but I knew him well enough to know what he said considering that Johnny, Pony and I are all best friends. 

"Well should we tell them?" Dallas and I said in unison. We sat there bickering for a few minutes until Darry shouted "Just tell us already." so that we could hear him over our yelling. "Yeah. I wanna know why you two hate each other so much!" Steve yelled. I rolled my eyes.

"Well if you must know...."

~ Flashback to 7 years ago~

A.N TW If you don't like the talks about murder, guns, knifes, blood, drugs or anything of those sorts stop reading here. Next chapter wont be graphic.

Dally and I are best friends. We aren't your typical children. We live on the rough streets of New York which leads to lots of crime. At the age of 10 Dally and I have already been committing petty crimes like shoplifting. We have to so that was can survive because our home life isn't to good.

 My parents had my brother Keith and I when they were 20 and 24. They couldn't afford going to college so they make money by working at gas stations or small shops which doesn't make a lot so I shoplift food for us all. Dally on the other hand lost his mom to a drunk driving accident and his dad is in prison as of right now so he's living with his uncle. 

We were playing poker outside of an abandoned building a few buildings away from Dally's uncle's house. Two men came around the corner and went behind a building off to the side. We could see them but they couldn't see us. I saw one of them pull out a bag of white stuff and then I realized what was happening. Keith told me that people like these men will try and sell you things that if you take it can make you sick and you would have to go the hospital. He never told me what they sell but the way he was talking about it told me it was bad. 

Soon one of the men started yelling and the other was cowering away in fear. I quickly whispered to Dally that we had to get out of there but he wouldn't listen to me. He was to interested in what was going on in front of us. I was trying to grab him to get him to come away from there because I knew it was dangerous being there but he wouldn't budge. It was like he was in a trance and wouldn't wake up. He was infatuated with them. 

The next thing I knew the man had pulled out a heater and shot the other man. His body fell to the ground in a lifeless lump. He then grabbed a blade and proceeded to stab the man and beat his body in to a bloody mess. It was like a horror movie but instead it was happening in real life in front of our eyes.

I looked over to Dally to see him already looking at me with scared eyes. I had never seen Dally look that. He always looked happy and excited especially when we were committing crimes he looked intoxicated because he was so over joyed. But this side of Dally scared me because I didn't know what he was going to do. He looked horrified and was shaking uncontrollably. He was just as speechless as I was. 

We watched as the man fled the scene as we heard sirens. I looked away for two seconds and next thing I knew Dally was over there picking up the blade. He was looking so intently at it like it was the most fascinating thing on the planet. He just stood there staring at the blade and the lifeless bloody body. I was screaming at him to drop it and run but he didn't care. He didn't care that the cops were coming. It was almost like time had stopped for him and all he could was stand there and stare. 

I looked behind me and saw a person running towards me and I thought it was a cop which made me yell even louder for Dally to get away from there. The person ended up being Keith. He was yelling at me to run and get out of there but I couldn't hear him. All I could hear was ringing in my ears. I had turned my head towards Dally and saw him getting arrested for this awful crime he did not commit. The police wouldn't believe that though. He was the only one seen at the crime scene.

The last thing I remembered was Keith dragging me away from the scene. I must have passed out. When I woke up I realized I was in the car with my parents and Keith driving in an area I wasn't familiar with. I just happened to look out the window and saw a sign that said Welcome to Tulsa, Oklahoma.   

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