Why'd You Do It?

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Abby's POV

I was walking home with the gang after school. Soda and Steve showed up at the school after they got off work so we were all walking together.  We were a few houses down from the Curtis's when Sylvia came stumbling up to us. As soon as she came over the smell of alcohol smacked my in the face. I was used to it though so I didn't wince like the rest of the gang. 

"What do you want you stupid broad?" Steve groaned. He never liked Sylvia after what she did to Evie but that's a story for another day. "I'm here for your pretty little girl Abby. I just want to talk." She was slurring her words so bad I could hardly understand what she was saying. Before I could do anything Sylvia grabbed my arm trying to drag me away. When I resisted she slapped me across the face. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled at her. Who does she think she is coming up to me and slapping me across the face. 

"What's wrong with me?" She looked offended. "What's wrong with you! Why is all Dally ever talked about was you? It was like the only thing he could ever talk about was you!" She yelled in a fit of rage. I wiped her spit off my face and glared at her. "I don't know why he would ever talk about me he hates me. All I know was you cheated, 5 times might I add. So Dallas had every right to talk about another girl." I yelled in her face. "Not sure why is was about me though." I mumbled. "What was that you bitch? Say it to my face!" She yelled getting in my face. 

At this point the gang came up and pulled me away from her. "All I said was your a bitch and I'm glad he never gave you the time of day!" I yelled causing some people to come out their houses. Before we could walk away we all heard her say "I'm going to find you Macyn and when I do you won't see the light of day again!" She yelled. Johnny looked so scared. I just laughed and reassured him that nothing bad would happen. I mean it's Sylvia what's the worst she could do. 


It was getting dark out and everyone had left except me. I was helping Pony with some math. I had called home to Two saying that I would be coming home soon. "Well I'm going to head home it's getting late. Thanks for dinner Dar everything was delicious." I said standing up heading to the front door. "Thank you Macyn and no problem. See you tomorrow." Darry said heading off to his room. "Wait! Macyn do you have your blade on you? Remember what Sylvia said?" Pony asked frantically. "Yes Pony I got it right here." I pulled out my blade so he knew I was safe. "See you guys tomorrow." I said on the way out. 

In all honesty I was kind of scared to walk home. What Sylvia had said kind of scared me. All the things she has done to so many people came running through my mind. Am I going to be next? What will happen if she does get me? All these thoughts came rushing into my head. She was drunk when she came up to us though. Maybe she won't remember. I kept my hand on my blade just incase. I heard some walking behind me but then it just stopped. A few minutes of silence go by but then I heard it. Sylvia's stupid little cackle. 

I heard the words 'Miss me' and before I could pull out my blade something hit me over the head and I went falling to the ground. 

Sylvia's POV

I was steaking out in someone's yard hidden from anyone in the house or people passing bye. It was close enough to the Curtis's house to see if she was coming or not. While I was waiting I was drinking tons of beer and whiskey I had bought earlier today. I thought I had heard her coming but it just turned out to be her stupid brother and Dallas best friend Johnny. Their voices are identical, just plain annoying. 

I must have fell asleep because when I had opened my eyes it was a lot darker. I looked at my watch and it was nearing 10:30pm. Great I thought she had to have went home already. I heard someone walk by and I looked up. There she was. Macyn finally came do her little beating session. I wanted to fool around with her mind first. I started to walk behind her making enough sound to be noticed. I went behind a tree and hid for a few seconds. I went running lightly on my feet to catch up with her. I was looking around for something to hurt her with when I found a wooden stepping stool just laying there. 'Who the fuck leaves a this on the side of the road' I thought to myself while picking it up. Before I hit her I said "Miss me?". I saw her trying to pull out her blade which was the perfect time to knock her down. I did just that. 

AN if you don't like hearing or reading about beatings then skip this part of the chapter. The next chapter wont be as disturbing and violent. 

She was still conscious because she was stirring around on the ground trying to get up. She was almost up when I kicked her in the stomach knocking her down again. I kept kicking her till she wouldn't even try to get up again. I got on top of her holding her between my legs. I quickly scanned the area making sure no one saw what was happening. Once I saw the coast was clear I started to punch her in the face. I made countless bruises on her body all over her face and arms. I broke one of her legs to keep her from getting up. There are bruises on her stomach from me kicking her so hard. I pulled out my blade and started making little cuts and wounds all over her. Before I could do anything else I heard her ask "Why'd you do it?" I just laughed instead of answering.  To finalize it I took my blade and stabbed her right in her stomach. 

I looked down at her and didn't see her breathing. 'Holy shit' I thought. I killed her. I didn't mean to go that far. I heard police sirens and ran. I ran as fast as I could. If the gang finds her they'll know exactly who did this. They were there when I threatened her. They'll come after me. I've got to get out of here. 

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