Normal Day For The Mathews

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We woke up the next morning and started packing and hanging around getting ready to go back home. It was nearing 4pm so we decided now would be a good time to leave. The truck was all packed and we were all ready to go but I remembered I forgot my wallet in the church. I went back in and ran into Sylvia. It looked like she was crying but I just pushed passed her not caring. We both walked out of the church and she went running over to Dallas crying like there was no tomorrow. 

"What's the matter babe? Dallas asked. "Ask her." They both gave me death glares and sped down the dirt road. "What'd you do this time Abs?" Soda chuckled. "I didn't do anything. I didn't even talk to her." I shrugged my shoulders. The gang was just as confused as me.

~The next morning~ 

We had arrived back in Tulsa quite late last night so Steve just dropped us all off at our own houses. I was up half of the night trying to get Two to be quiet and go to sleep. I must have fallen asleep because I was aggressively woken up by Two at 6:30. "Jesus Two how do you have so much energy this early especially with a hangover?" I said groggily. "Oh come on Abby I'm used it now get your ass up we have school." He yelled walking out of my room. "Ok ok. Go shower you stink! I'll go make breakfast!" I yelled so he could hear me. 

I got dressed and brushed my hair. While I was packing my bag for school Two barged in my room and asked "Can we go to the Curtis's today for breakfast? Dad is downstairs and he's drunk already and I know you don't like dealing with him." "Of course we can Two." I said happily. "Plus we get free breakfast and we can bring Johnny and Pony with us." He just nodded not caring what I had to say. I rolled my eyes and told him to meet me in the truck. 

I jogged down the stairs and went into the kitchen. I was trying to avoid my dad because I wasn't in the mood to here one of his rants about how much he hates me today. I grabbed a water from the fridge and looked out of the window. I saw mom's car not in the drive way so I was a bit worried since she has cancer and is extremely ill. She can hardly get out of bed to go to the bathroom she's so frail. 

"If you're wondering where your bitch of a mother is she's at the hospital. Almost looked like she was going to drop dead any second." He slurred while laughing. "Don't ever talk about her like that again." I seethed at him. I can't believe I ever loved this son of a bitch. "You know Abby you remind me so much like your mom. You're both fucking whores!" He yelled. I wanted to break down and cry right there but I knew better. If I did I would be beat and I couldn't be beat before school again. The school knows something is up but they haven't done anything yet. If I showed up to school like that I would never see the gang again. 

Two came running down the stairs and pushed passed my dad. He grabbed me and told me everything would be ok in quiet whispers so that dad wouldn't hear. "Fuck you! I hope you rotten in hell you drunk!" Two yelled at him. He hates when dad says anything to mom and I. If we didn't have Two to get us out of there at the right times I don't know where I would be right now. I need Two and he needs me. It's unspoken but we both know it. There's no need to say it. 

We walked outside to the truck and as soon as I got in the truck I started to cry. We drove all the way to the Curtis's with the only sounds of the truck engine, my muffled cries and Two mumbling profanities. We pulled up to the house and I immediately stopped crying and started to wipe away my tears. "It'll be ok Abby, it always is." Two said trying to calm me. "It's never going to be ok Two! It'll always be this way, there's no stopping it! I don't know how much more I can handle this shit! It's tearing me apart and Dallas always fighting me isn't helping! This is what I get for living and trying to have a normal life!" I screamed making the whole gang run outside finding the source of all the commotion. Two looked at me shocked from my sudden outburst. He quickly grabbed me and pulled me into a hug instantly calming me down. He whispered sweet nothings to me waving the gang off. 

They must have went inside because when we got out of the truck they were nowhere to be seen. We walked inside and everyone instantly asked me if I was ok and hugging me.  I looked over to where Dallas was sitting he looked at me with sympathy but quickly looked away when he saw me staring. What is with him these past few days. He's been so nice recently and it's starting to scare me. Then I remembered him and Sylvia talking about a plan. 

I didn't feel safe being in his presence because I know what he's like and if there's a plan that has anything to do with him it's never safe. "Come on boys were going to be late for school get anything you need and hop in the truck." I said while eyeing Dallas. "Why can't I finish Mickey?" Two whined. "Two get your four year old ass in the truck. I'll meet you guys out there." I said firmly. While Pony, Johnny and Two got in the truck to go to school, I walked over to Darry. 

"Hey Darry can you keep an eye on Dallas for me? Him and Sylvia were talking about a plan at the church and they were being awfully nice to me this weekend. I just don't feel safe and I think something horrible is going to happen." I whispered so only Darry could hear me. "Sure thing kid. I'm sure your just over reacting but I'll do it for your safety." Darry told me in caring whisper. I hugged him and went out to the truck. I waved bye to Soda and Steve as they were coming outside to head to the DX. 

We pulled up outside the school. We said our goodbyes since we don't have any classes or lunch together since were all in different grades and we went our separate ways. 

Dallas POV

"Hey Dar I'm going to Buck's for the day. I'll be back before they get off school." I yelled out to Darry while exiting the house. While I was walking to Buck's I was thinking about what I'm going to tell Sylvia. I was just using her for the plan. I mean she cheated on me lots so why should I have to be sorry for doing this. 

I walked into Buck's and almost immediately saw her sitting at the bar stool. She waved me over like she had been waiting for hours for me to get there. "Hey baby" she said as she tried to pull me in for a kiss. I quickly dodged it and asked Buck for a beer. "So what did you want to talk about?" She slurred. I rolled my eyes. "Well the plan has gone great so far but I think I can do the rest on my own." I said firmly. She looked at me confusedly. "What do you mean?" She asked all innocent like. I almost laughed in her face. "I mean I don't need you anymore. I was just using you for this plan to get back at you for cheating." I choked out trying not to laugh at her bulging eyes. 

"You what!" She screamed loud enough for the whole bars attention to be fixated on us. "You heard me." I said in a monotone voice. She angrily slammed 3$ on the counter. "Give me the whole bottle of whiskey now Buck!" She was so angry she turned red. "I'm afraid your 2$ short there Sylvia." Buck said in disgust. "Wow no discount. Whatever." She scoffed and put 2$ down and Buck handed her the bottle. "You guys are both assholes!" She yelled exiting the bar and slamming the door. We just laughed and started talking for the rest of the day until I had to leave to go back to the Curtis's.

Sylvia's POV 

I was walking down the street chugging the bottle of whiskey when I saw some people in Dallas's gang. There she was. The one girl Dally could never stop talking about. Abby. I knew exactly what I had to do. How would I be able to complete my plan was the question now.    

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