Long Time No See

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When I was done talking about what happened in New York I look around the room. Everyone looking very intently at me with some shock in their faces a well. Except for Dally, he was nowhere to be seen. "Where's Dal?" Johnny asked concerned for the boy he looked up to. "Yeah were is Dallas anyway?" I seethed. I couldn't care less where he was but I just thought that he might want to put is insight in on what happened that day. But who am I kidding it was a stupid idea. Dallas would never talk about his past especially when it's about me.

"He said he was going to go talk to Sylvia." Darry said tiredly. " You know what Dar go have a nap. You deserve it, after all you're always trying to take care of us and you work so hard." I said caringly. "No no someone needs to watch these buffoons to make sure they don't get in to much trouble." He said eyeing down Steve and Two. "That's what I'm here for. Go have a nap do something relaxing. I don't know just get a break from everything. I'll take these boys somewhere fun. Don't worry about it." I said. "Oh what would I do without you Abby. No police trouble boys you hear me we got enough of that with Ol' Dally around." He yelled out to the boys. As the boys were getting out the door we heard faint mumbles of the boys complaining about Darry being protective. 

Darry shot me a wink before he left to his room. I knew exactly why. He's seen me with kids before. He says I'm really good with kids and I'll be a great mom some day. I didn't intentionally mean to laugh in his face I just did. I don't want kids at least not anytime soon.

I must have been standing there for a while because I heard the annoying sound of Steve's horn and yells from the boys telling me to hurry. I grabbed my wallet and water and left the Curtis's. 

"Darry forgot to tell you that Dal and Sylvia are coming along with us." Pony said tiredly just by the thought of her. I mean who could blame him. "Ughhh why he knows we all hate her. Why is he still even with her. Hasn't she cheated on him like five times already." I groaned. The gang just laughed at my complaining. "You know O'l Dal likes those kind of broads. Not sure why though." Soda said clenching his jaw remembering what Sandy did. "Whatever let's just try and pretend she's not there and if she tries to talk to us just be nice ok? We haven't had a fun break day in so long." I said getting the gangs agreements. The only one who didn't say anything was Two. I looked into the backseats to see he wasn't there.

"Hey Soda where's Two?" I asked concerned for my brother after all he's shit-faced. "Oh he said he wanted to sit in the truck bed so we just let him." Soda said with no worry in his voice. "Oh ok." I said shrugging my shoulders. I looked out of the passenger side window and saw Two dancing in the truck bed. "Jesus Christ Two." I  muttered under my breath. "Hey Steve can you pull over I've got to talk to Two for a minute." I said irritated. "Sure thing doll." Steve said. I rolled my eyes at the nickname he's been calling me for years. 

"Keith Mathews if you don't get out of this truck bed and get into the truck this minute I am going to ban you from watching Mickey Mouse and beer for the rest of the week!" I said. Saying that must have sobered him up because he turned his head so fast I'm sure he got whiplash from it and looked at me like I was the grim reaper. "Yes ma'am." He said saluting me like I was an Army Sargent. I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior and got back into the truck to hear the guys snickering. I jokingly slapped Soda upside the head and Two got in the truck. 

When we started driving again I asked "Where are we going anyways?" since no one was being informative on where we were going. "Oh some place Dal told us to go to. I think it's called Jay Mountain." Pony said. As soon as he said that my eyes went wide. That's the first place I had seen Dallas since we moved and he went to jail. 

"What's wrong abs?" asked Soda. He was always so concerned for me, it was adorable. He was like a second brother to me. "Oh it's nothing I've just never heard of the place that's all." I lied. But Soda knows when I'm lying. "Tell me the truth Abby. Now." "Fine." I said hesitantly. "It's just a place that Dallas and I had a problem at that's all. If he wants you guys to know he'll tell you, but it's not up to me." Even though we have our fights and hate each other at this point, we still respect each others privacy. We don't tell others our secrets or memories we shared. It was an unspoken rule between us and neither of us had broken it so far. 

"Oh ok." Was all Soda said. It was like he was hoping it was a fun memory for me or something I could look back at with happiness. But I rarely ever had one of those. The only people who know what my past is like is Two because he was with me, Soda because I trust him more than anyone and unfortunately Dallas. Not even Pony and Johnny know and they're my best friends. But I feel they would understand. I mean they're to young to hear all of went down in New York. Take Johnny for example he's looked sick ever since he found about New York. Plus Soda is like a brother to me we know everything about each other that no one else knows. 

Before I knew it we were there. We were at Jay Mountain. The place with good and bad memories. A place that will forever be a part of me. No changing that. 

It was just as beautiful as I remembered it. The church on the hill isn't to nice but the scenery around it is. There's beautiful trees surrounding a field that Two and I would play in and the open country side you can see into the vast distance. It's an amazing place to watch the mesmerizing sunsets. 

I never told the gang about this place because it's so sacred to me. My mom would take us here when we first moved as kids to get away from our drunk of a dad. I hadn't come up here in a while ever since the fight with Dallas. I wanted to make sure it was safe because my mom started getting very sick and a few months ago we found out she has stage 4 cancer. We don't know how long she's going to be here for so I want to bring her up here one last time. I haven't had the courage to come back here since the day Dallas and I fought. But here I am standing 10ft away from the church. 

"Hey Two do you remember this place?" I asked whispering not wanting the gang to hear. He didn't say anything just nodded taking in the view. Next thing we know we hear the loud rumble coming from the one and only Buck's car along with Dallas and Sylvia. They hopped out of the car and unloaded it bringing in bags of food into the church. Then Dallas grabbed some lounging rafts you put in pools. I was wondering why but then my mind went straight to being annoyed. 

"Hey boys and Abby, long time no see!" Sylvia practically screamed in her annoying fake preppy voice with fake smile plastered onto her face. She looked just as annoying as she sounded. "Yeah not long enough." I mumbled under my breath earning snickers from the boys. "What did you say Abby I didn't quite catch that?" I really wanted to say I didn't throw it and flip her off but then I remembered the promise the whole gang made. So instead I said "Oh I said it's nice seeing you again." with the fakest smile I think I've ever done and walked away to the truck to get our bags.     

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