Hospital Visits Part 2

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Soda's POV

The nurse came walking towards us. We all jumped out of our seats, shaking the others who had fallen asleep. "Ms. Mathews is in critical condition from the blood loss. Once she has enough blood transfusions she will most likely wake up. Her stab wound is all stitched up but it will have to be treated. Who ever lives with her will have to do that job since she can't go anywhere and can't do it herself. Her leg is all casted up so watch out for that so you don't hit it or move it. Other than that she is all healthy and the doctors have no other concerns." We all sighed of relief and thanked her. "Also you may go in and see her since it is visiting hours now." the nurse informed us. 

We all made our way to her room slowly pilling in. There are 4 chairs so some of us can sit. I quickly sat in a chair before anyone else could. Two sat across from me as well as Pony. Darry sat beside me. "She'll be alright kid, she always is." He said calming my nerves. I looked at her and was horrified. She looked dead already. She was as pale as a ghost but I guess that's what happens when you lose a whole lot of blood, her cuts were slowly turning into scars and her bruises looked more prominent on her pale skin. I was so scared that if I touched her she would disappear. This wasn't my Macyn. 

Johnny's POV

Pony and I were having our own conversation while the rest of the gang was talking about fun memories they had with Macyn. Sure they're all friends and did things together but Pony and I are her best friends. I couldn't bear to look at her like this anymore. "Hey Pony want to go get some food or somethin' just get a break from this?" I whispered so the gang couldn't hear us. "Yeah sure. I think I might puke if I stay in here any longer." Pony whispered back. "Hey guys were going to go get some food. Does anyone want anything?" Pony asked the guys. 

They all shook their heads and went back to their conversation. "Wait! I want a beer!" Two yelled. "Jeez Two would you keep your voice down. They don't have beer in hospitals." Darry said shaking his head at Two's stupidity. He just waved us all off and went back to watching Mickey on the little TV they have in the room. 

We were walking to the front entrance because the vending machines are there when we heard loud yelling and lots of commotion coming from the front desk. We turned the corner and there  was Dallas. He was slamming his hands on the desk and having a fit. We were going to walk over and calm him down when we heard him yell something unforgettable. "God damnit, just let me see Macyn! I love her, I have to see her." He started to cry. Dallas Winston was crying. Not for some stupid reason either but because he loved her. He loves Macyn Mathews. 

Dallas's POV

I woke up around 7am and got ready to go to the hospital. Visiting hours were soon and I just had to see her. I know the gang is going to be there all day but I don't care. I tried to get cleaned up because I'm going to try and tell Macyn how I feel and hopefully make my move. I ran downstairs and grabbed Buck's keys and told him where I was heading. I hopped in and started the car heading off to the hospital. 

The whole way there I was thinking about what I am going to say to her. That is if I can get past the guys. If I get into the hospital and Soda sees me I might need a hospital room myself. Even though Soda and Macyn say that they are just friends they sure don't act like it. Pony and Johnny are her best friends and they hardly even touch each other and they're that close but Soda and Macyn are always touching weather they want to or not. It's always one person who initiates the hand holding or hugging or cuddling or whatever the hell they end up doing . And it's never Macyn. 

Before I knew it I was at the hospital. I sat in the car preparing to enter the hospital and to face everyone. I was contemplating starting the car and leaving but I knew I couldn't do that to Macyn. After all of the times I have left her behind weather it be in fights or when she gets hurt in rumbles and acting like I don't care. I can't leave her alone anymore. I have to be there for her and that is exactly what I did. 

I got out of the car so fast I almost fell into another car driving by. I didn't even care I just had to get to my girl. I ran into the hospital almost running into a nurse walking a patient back to there rooms. I apologized and ran up to the front desk. I realized that it was the nurse that has helped me a ton after rumbles or just plain old injuries. "Why hello there Catherin. Nice seeing you here." I said in a polite manner hoping to get what I want. "Uh uh uh it's Nurse Randle to you Mr." Of course Steve's aunt just having to be fancy. I secretly rolled my eyes. "What can I do for you Dallas since you were running here so fast? Another cut needing to be stitched up?" "No ma'am. Actually I need to see someone. Can you tell me what room Macyn Mathews is in?" 

"I'm afraid I can't do that for you Dallas." "Why not?" I asked in a ever so slightly angry tone. I had to keep calm for the people around and to have a better chance at seeing Macyn. "Darrel Curtis requested that I keep you away from her." "Shouldn't her parents or brother be making these decisions for her?" "Dallas honey, you and I both know that her father is too much of a drunk dead beat to be in charge of her. Her mother is in another state dying of cancer and Keith is not in the head space for all of this. He is losing his mom very quickly and he could be losing Macyn." 

When I heard that Macyn's mom was dying I started to break down. I didn't hear anything else Nurse Randle said. I felt tears threatening to spill from my eyes but I fought them back in. Macyn's mom was like a mother to me when my mom died. I never had parents to look out for me and Macyn's parents were always there for me. Well until they moved away. "What do you mean her mom is dying of cancer?" I asked while a tear slipped down my cheek. "Ever since the Mathews family has moved to Tulsa her mom got really sick. They were never really worried until last year. Their dad brought her here to figure out what was going on and she had stage 4 lung cancer. When they found out they couldn't afford treatment so they just brought her home and put her on bed rest. It got so bad almost a month ago that this hospital had to send her to a bigger and better hospital in New York. Macyn and Keith don't have the money to travel up to see her so she might pass away before they get to see her."

It all just hit me like a ton of bricks. The only mom I've ever had in my life is dying. Everyone is just leaving and soon there will be no one. I broke down.  While bawling my eyes out I had punched the desk and threw things all around in a fit. I was in so much pain and I couldn't take it anymore. 'They are all leaving me. No one left to love or love me.' I thought in my head. But there was someone. Macyn. I had forgot about her during my time here and I knew I had to see her in that moment. She is the only one who could help me.

"P- Please let m- me see her. Le- Let me see Ma- Macyn. She ca- can help me." I begged while struggling to speak because of my crying. "I'm sorry Dallas I can't." Nurse Randle said in a monotone voice. It was like she didn't care yet I know she does. "God damnit, just let me see Macyn! I love her, I have to see her!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I had to of scared everyone in the waiting room. I turned my head to see peoples reactions and instead saw Pony and Johnny standing there with shock on their faces. 

They ran over to me and tried to calm me down. I was still crying and very upset but not as angry. "Shhhh Dal were here. Can you try and calm down?" Johnny said in a whisper tone. I tried to calm down for Johnny as I was sliding down the side of the desk. "I have to see her Johnnycakes. I love her." I whispered. I continued to cry. Then I heard Nurse Randle ask a question. A question that could change everything between Macyn and I.     

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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