Hospital Visits

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Pony's POV

When Soda yelled for Darry and I to come to the living room I wasn't expecting what I saw. Macyn one of my best friends is dying on my couch. I sat down beside her speechless. I mean what more could you expect from me this doesn't happen everyday. Everything went by in a flash. Darry and Soda yelling at Dally, Dally spewing his bullshit about hating Macyn when I know he doesn't and then Dally getting kicked out of the gang. I couldn't believe Soda did that. What are we supposed to tell the rest of the gang. 

We hopped in the truck after Dally left and sped of to the hospital with one thing on our minds. We have got to help her and she has got to stay alive.

Darry's POV

I pulled into the parking lot trying to find a parking spot. Soda jumped out of the truck before I could stop it. Sometimes I think Macyn and Soda would be perfect for each other by the way they care and talk about the other but they say their just friends. I quickly came back to my senses remembering what were doing here. Soda and Pony were almost at the doors when I got out of the truck. I ran inside to catch up to them and went to the front desk. Soda was to angry to talk and Pony was off in his own world again. 'Looks like it's just me' I thought. "Hello what can I do for you?" I kind and pretty nurse asked. 

"Hi my friend here, her name is Macyn got jumped tonight. She has a broken leg and little cuts everywhere and she was stabbed in the stomach. She has to have lost a lot of blood." I said in a rush because I just wanted her to get help. "Oh my goodness. Alright follow me." She ushered us to a room not to far from the waiting room. The second we got there a bunch of nurses and doctors took her out of Soda's arms. He was crying and trying to fight them off so he could keep her with him. "Soda they're trying to help. Come on lets go to the waiting room." I led Soda and Pony to the waiting room and walked over to the phone. 

I dialed the Mathews phone and waited. It was around 4am so he might not answer. 'Come on Two. Pick up' I thought. Finally he picked up. "Hey what's wrong?" He asked sleepily from just waking up I would assume. "Two it's Macyn-" He cut me off by asking a bunch of questions. "What's wrong with her? Is she ok? Where is she?" "Two shut up and I'll tell you." He stopped talking which was my cue to say something. "She was jumped by Sylvia tonight. She's in pretty bad condition and she got stabbed in the stomach. She lost a lot of blood and she's dying. I need you to call Steve and get to the hospital now." I said in one breath so that he couldn't disrupt me again. "Ok I'll call Steve I'll see you soon." I walked over to Soda and Pony and sat down waiting until we could see Macyn. 

Two's POV

I called Steve and told him to meet me at the hospital. I told him Macyn was dying and he started freaking out. I just hung up on him and ran. I got in the truck and sped to the hospital. I saw Steve running in when I got there. I ran to the front doors to see my sister. I knew I shouldn't have let her stay and walk by herself. 

"Where is she!" I yelled. I was so worried for my sister I love her to much to lose her. Mom is out of state in another hospital dying. I can't lose another person I care so much about. "She's being checked out by the doctors. They said they will come and get us when it's ok to see her." Darry said trying to calm me down. It did only the tiniest  bit. "Hey where's Johnny and Dal?" I asked. Usually when someone gets hurt like this were all here. "Shit I forgot to call Johnny. Steve can you go get Johnny?" Darry asked. "Of course I can." and with that Steve ran out the hospital.

 "Ok well that's covered but what about Dally?" I asked trying to get answers. Asking that made Soda go into a fit. "I kicked him out of the gang! There, happy you got your answers!" Soda yelled scaring everyone in the waiting room. "You what!" I yelled. I couldn't believe him. We need Dally to help protect us and he just kicks him out. "Why! Why did you do it?' I asked. He better have a good reason. "Because he said bad things about Macyn." Soda said loud enough so I could hear. "He's always saying things about her. Why did you just decide to do that now?" I was so mad. "Because I'm sick of him talking about her like that. Especially when she was dying right in front of him." Soda yelled "Oh my god Soda you are a dumb ass. Do you know what happens when some one kicks Dallas out of a gang?" I asked while my eyes are bulging out of my head. He shook his head. "Of course you don't." I scoff "He beats everyone in it to little pulps. Soon were all going to be like Macyn!"

Soda looked like he a just seen a ghost. He stayed quiet the rest of the night until a nurse came and told us it was alright to see her. 

Dallas POV

I was walking to Bucks to get a drink and go to sleep. When I got there everyone was partying and sloppily drunk. I decided I would just head up to my room. It was around 3:30am so I tried to go to sleep. But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't. The  words I had said to get me kicked out was weighing me down. I laid awake and thought about what I could have said differently. I thought about her and how much I loved her. The last time I saw her she was dying. 'What if that's the last time I see her again' I thought. I started to cry at the thought but Buck came into my room. 

"Hey Dal I heard you g- Holy shit are you crying!" Buck yelled. I rolled my eyes and threw a beer bottle at his head. "Ow." Buck whined. "But like on a serious note what's wrong?" I told him all about the gang and what happened to Macyn but I left out the reason I'm actually crying. "Is that all?" Buck asked while eyeing me suspiciously. "Yes." I stated firmly. "Dallas just tell me what's actually wrong." Buck sighed knowing he was in for a long speech. "Fine." I mumbled not wanting to say a thing. 

"The real reason I'm crying is because I love Macyn. She's dying and the last I saw of her was her passed out. I'm kicked out of the gang so I'll never get to see her again. She's goin' to hate me even more after she finds out man. I've loved her since we were kids Buck and I'm never going to be able to tell her. What am I supposed to do?" I vented. I started crying even more when I was telling him because no one knows how I feel except Buck and I. "Oh my. That's a lot to take in. You know what Dal, if you actually love her you'll go to that hospital and visit her and you'll tell her. You'll tell her everything you told me. She has got to know. You can't just keep her out of knowing this." 

"Ok, ok I'll go when visiting hours are open." I said while yawning. Buck left my room and I went to sleep. I'm going to have to have energy to go visit her tomorrow. That's exactly what I did. 

A.N It has been a while since I have posted a chapter but here it is. I just have a few questions that could possibly help with this story and your feedback and your opinions on these questions do matter. 1. Should I change the girls name to just having Y/N? I know a lot of authors do that because they want there readers to really feel like they are more connected to the story. If that is something you would like then please tell me. 2. If I change it to Y/N would you guys still want her personality or some changes in her personality? 3. I have been thinking of adding this to the story so would you like to see a love triangle/square? There may or may not be a new love interest for our main girl and Sylvia may or may not be making another appearance. If a love triangle/square is something you would like to see please tell me. Anyways have a great rest of your day or night.         

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