A Much Needed Break

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We all went into the church and put down our bags. Dallas and Sylvia were sitting in Buck's car waiting for us to come out. I don't know why Buck even let's him use the car anymore with the amount of damage he's done to it. We walked over the the car and were told what todays plans were. 

"Were all going down to this hidden little waterfall area that's close to here." Dallas said while all the guys were jumping around excitedly because they get to swim. Then Johnny asked "Hey Dal how'd you find out about this place?" "Oh well Sylvia and I were driving around looking for something to do and we just happened to come across it man." Johnny just nodded his head and came over to me. 

"You don't seem to happy Abs what's wrong?" Johnny was always so caring and puts others before him. He doesn't deserve what happens to him at home. No one does especially him. "Oh nothin' Johnny it's just Sylvia seems a little off this time. I don't know if I'm thinking this cause I hate her or if they have something planned we don't know about." Johnny just looked at me like I was crazy. "Abby, nothing bad or sketchy is going on. Let's just have some fun, come on they're all getting in the truck." Hearing those words relieved my worries about today. I mean Johnny's right what could go wrong. 

~30 minutes later~

We finally arrived at the waterfall. It was blocked off by a bunch of trees but once you got through them there was a little trail leading to the waterfall. As we were walking there was a branch laying on the ground. Steve being the dumb little shit he is decided to step on it. The branch went flying upwards and hit him square in the face. "Great another thing to make your nose even bigger." I groaned while joining in on everyone else laughing their asses off. 

Once we got to the actual waterfall I was struck with amazement with how beautiful it was. There were trees surrounding it with beautiful leaves with intricate designs on them. There were flowers with the prettiest shades of purple. The water was so clear you could see the rocks under the water. Off to the side was a rock staircase leading into the water and wall made out of huge boulder to jump off of. It looked unreal like we weren't supposed to have found it. It looked like paradise. 

Soda and I set down the bag of snacks and pool floats while everyone else was getting their shirts off to go swimming. We heard Steve and Two scream as they jumped off the rock wall while everyone else was walking down the steps into the water. Soda and I sat down and I cracked open a beer while he opened his chocolate milk. "So Abby how's it goin' with James?" Soda teasingly asked wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh I forgot to tell you we sort of broke it of a while ago." I said shrugging my shoulders. "I'm not really into the dating world and he definitely wasn't the one." I said laughing.

 "Who wasn't the one?" I turned my head and saw Dallas strolling over to us with Sylvia on his arm. I rolled my eyes while saying "An ex-boyfriend. Why does it matter to you?" I asked cautiously because I didn't want to start a fight today. I just want a break from everything. "It doesn't." He stated firmly. "Aww I'm sorry to hear that Abby I hope you find someone soon." Sylvia said nicely. I smiled at her cautiously and said "Thanks but I'm not really wanting to date anytime soon." I don't know why she's being so nice to me all of a sudden and I'm getting worried something might happen. 

Once they left to somewhere else I asked Soda "Do you think she's being suspicious today or is it just me? Johnny said I was over thinking but I want your insight." "I think she's acting weird but I wouldn't worry about it. It's Sylvia she's always got something going on in her head. She's always acting strange." He said taking a sip of his chocolate milk. I sat and thought about it. He's right she's always acting weird. I should just forget about it and have fun. 

I got up off the ground and took of my shirt and shorts. "Come on Soda let's go in!" I yelled getting him off the ground and pulling him over to the edge. He quickly pulled off his shirt and grabbed my hand and we ran over to the rock wall. "On three" I yelled and he nodded. " One, Two..." I didn't get to finish counting because Soda jumped and pulled me with him. I screamed and landed in the water. I came up pushing my hair out my face and opened my eyes. Soda was floating right in front of me laughing his ass of and I playfully slapped him. "Hey that hurt" he fake pouted like a four year old which made me laugh. 

"Look at the happy couple!" Steve yelled at the top of his lungs putting everyone's attention on us. I blushed and Soda and I said in unison "Shut up!" We looked into each others eyes but it was different this time there was something there. Something that's never been there. I shook my head and told myself to snap out of it. Soda is like my brother there can't be anything there. I swam over to Pony and Johnny and started fooling around with them while Soda swam over to Steve and Two. 

I looked up to the rock wall and saw Dallas staring at me. Sylvia was nowhere in sight. He nodded his head over to Soda and mouthed "Go for it." Why are they being so nice to me all of a sudden. Scratch that why is he saying to date Soda. I knew what he wanted me to do but I couldn't he's like a brother to me.  I looked over at Soda to see he was staring at me with the same confused look I had. There's nothing there. Or is there. 

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