Random Writing

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OoOOOoooooOo spooky

You know that feeling that someone's always watching,That someone's always there,Always judging you?Do you have an area that you don't like?Do you know why?Does it give you a strange feeling,Sending shivers down your spine?Can you sleep at night,Or do you stare blankly into nothing,Thinking something,Or someone,Is there?Do you have a pet,That stares into nothing,And acts like something is there?Do they stare into vents,Or just sit in corners,Staring,Staring,Always staring.Do you wake up at night,To a creak,A shadow,A screech?Do you see things you can't explain,A shadow,A person you don't know,A person that shouldn't be there,An animal that's not yours,Or not even real?Do you know why this is?Well,You could say it's the paranormal,You could say it's nothing,You could say it's mental,You may not experience it,You may say it's nothing,But if you feel it,If you experience it,What do you think?Can you explain it?

Wrote this a few months ago when a teacher had the class answer the question 'what are you scared of' and have been building on it since.

It is always watching. You can't escape it, no matter what. It crawls after you, clambering up your walls. You never know what it will do, it is always there. It fades in and out of view, sometimes you see it far too clearly, sometimes it seems to disappear. I T I S A L W A Y S T H E R E. You can't escape, it leaves no trace. Only memories of it's bulging eyes, it's ashy skin, but nothing to prove it's real. You can hope it doesn't attack, but you never know. Ask around, has anyone else seen it, or is it only you? You can dismiss it, say it's all in your head, but is it really? You may get no sleep, you may sleep forever. You may be found dead the next day. But you won't, or at least that's what it wants you to think. I T I S A L W A Y S T H E R E.

It lives in the attic, sometimes coming down for a snack through the vents or the trapdoor. It's probably all in your head, it's always out of the corner of your eye, or at night when the curtains are closed. Was that the AC starting, or something moving up there? Whatever it is, the cats are scared. Did you see a finger up there, or was it just some dust? It's past midnight, and you heard footsteps, going up the stairs. Is it a cat? No, too heavy. A family member? No, too slow and too light. So what is it? You go to look and there's nothing, no cat, no parents, no siblings. Maybe you're home alone, with the cats having a staring contest in your room, when suddenly you hear a creak. The cats heard it too, it appears they both lost their contest. Who rearranged the plates on the counter last night? It couldn't have been the cats, it's too neat for that. Someone has to be messing with us, right?

Ever seen a cat sprint at top speed for what looks like no reason? Ever seen them stare at something you can't see? Ever seen them in two opposite spots within far too little time? Have you seen a cat you've never met walking in your house? Have you seen an old pet, one you know is dead, doing the same things as they used to? Well, you could say you're seeing things, you could say you just miss them. But, have you seen them appear to be interacting with your current cats, like when one sits in the corner, like they always used to, and another seems to stare right at them?

When you're home alone and you hear running upstairs the second you head down for a mint, what do you do? When you hear a cat growling, but you have both in your view? When you're upstairs and you hear an argument downstairs, but nobody else should be home? Did you put this here, or did you put it over there?

Everyone hears bumps in the night, so most pass it off as the house itself or a pet. But have you ever heard footsteps, clear as day pacing right outside your room? You know your sibling is asleep. There were no sounds from the stairs. It's far too heavy for a cat. So who is it? Maybe you're hearing things, it is 2am after all. You're probably in that partially awake state when dreams fade into reality. But you can move, and you feel awake. It lasts a solid 20 minutes before stopping abruptly, seemingly outside your door. You can hear soft breathing for a moment before that too disappears. Then all is quiet. A bit too quiet.

And finally my favourite and most recent:

Ever heard the telltale thud of two cats wrestling? It is quite common for cats, among other animals to have play fights or wrestling matches. But what if you hear that thud at night? That's fine, they probably just decided they felt like waking you up. What if one of them is with you? That's fine, the other probably jumped on the counter or table- you should go chase them off. You head down with your other cat right on your heels. Once at the bottom, you hesitate; the dark was never your favourite. You head over to the kitchen and one of the cats- you can't tell which as they both look the same in the darkness- is sleeping on the cat tree by the window. You hear something behind you and spin around, but that was just a false alarm. One of the cats is playing with the shoes again. Well, only the one that was up with you does that, so that means the one on the cat tree must've caused the thump. But how? It only took you a minute to come down, no cat can go up the cat tree and fall asleep that fast. Plus, it looks like they've been asleep for a while. You check the time- 1:26 You check the counters. Nothing fell. You check the table. Just as you left it in the evening. Maybe something in the cabinets fell? You doubt it would make a thump like that, but you check anyway. Nope, everything's normal there. You start heading back up with your not-asleep cat, and there it is again. You go back and turn on the lights. Nothing. Starting to get spooked, you turn the lights off and head back up. You hear the thump again, but choose to ignore it. You're very tired, and decide your mind must be playing tricks on you. As you climb the ladder into your bed, you hear another thump; now from where your table right under you. You look down over the edge of the bed. Nothing. You should really get some sleep, but something tells you that isn't going to happen. As you lay awake, you do what you always do when you wake up early- make up stories! It's always best when tired, as they start taking their own turns and you don't seem to have much control. But this story seems to keep going back to some kind of creature hunting the characters. You try to change the whole story- maybe making an AU will work better. It goes fine for a bit- your shoe-playing cat comes back up and snuggles with you, but it ends up going back to the same creature. No matter what you do you can't seem to get rid of it. You tried having one of the characters kill it. You tried having it just be a nightmare of one of the characters. You tried having a couple characters send it to another realm. But it keeps coming back. Maybe you should actually go back to sleep this time. You look at the clock you have. 6:01. You decide it isn't worth it to try to sleep and go down, turn the light on, and start playing with your cat. Thump. Again? Really? You go down, grab your other cat, and take them upstairs. Thump. You decide to ignore it, knowing nothing actually happened. Thump. Now that you're more awake you realize it sounds like a cabinet being slammed. You know your cats can open and close cabinet doors with ease, but one's been with you during every thump and the other was sleeping during most of them and was now with you.

Yeah, all of these are based on personal experiences. I don't believe in the paranormal myself, but I would love to be wrong so please, if you have irrefutable proof let me know. I do admit some things are hard to explain.

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