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I'm not a person who believes in the paranormal. But, I'd gladly be proven wrong! I'd love for the stuff to be real, I just doubt it is.

Here's my reasoning:

A; it's very easy to fake 'evidence'. I find it extremely hard to believe anything on the internet period, and it's even harder to believe paranormal stuff on the internet.

B; what the evidence actually looks like. A lot of the time you see 'deformed faces' faces are hard to recreate, so making them deformed means they don't have to be very realistic. Many times you also see pure black figures. Even easier to fake. For some reason the 'entities' seem to only like throw stuff around. Why? Why would they be trying to scare people? For some reason people also seem to think animals couldn't make noises heard, or doors/windows. I mean, have you heard how a rusty door sounds when moved? Or a racoon's screech? A pigeon?

C; why do they move like that lmao. If these thing truly are 'ghosts' of people who died, why the genuine heck do they move like that. I doubt anyone actually does that weird hand grabby thing around corner or peeks their head around like that. And why would you want to be seen? A lot of the time they seem to poke out and look at the camera person/ person who witnessed said event like "Hey! I'm here! I'm not going to do anything to you, but you should run away because I looked at you!" Why would they care about you, they're already dead? I mean if it's like a high security prison I guess sure; but like a normal person who happened to die in a hospital? There's no incentive for every ghost ever to act the exact same but somehow never actually do anything. If they want you to leave, why not actually chase you out rather than, you know, just moving a water bottle or standing in a corner? That's another thing, they always seem to just stand there. If they are real, than why are people scared of them? They never do anything.

D; they're all the same. Whether it's a black figure or a little girl, they always are like the same stereotype. The 'shadow figures' always seem to be thin and tall, sometimes with glowy white eyes; they seem to be the ones that just stand there or crawl weirdly. The adult men always seem to never show themselves, but the most common visible one I've heard of is thin with brow hair and tall; they seem to be the ones said to throw thing or know things down (also said to be the violent ones in many cases). The adult women always seem to be lithe with long black hair and sunken eyes; they always seem to be the ones peeking around corners. The little boys always seem to be, well, little, with short brown hair; they're toy obsessed in every instance I've heard of them, playing with little balls or planes. The little girls always seem to be small with pigtails, looking fairly normal; for some reason they're always either demons or crying. Also for whatever reason ghosts always seem to be white.

E; pianos. Why are there so many pianos lol. I just wanted to say that. Seems a bit weird all ghosts and stuff like musical instruments.

F; orbs. They always look and move like dust or bugs. I have literally never actually seen an orb that doesn't.

G; things opening and closing. They always seem to happen when wind goes through. Wind moves things, right? Right.

H; animals. "My dog wasn't looking at me, they were looking at the door! There must be a paranormal presence for my dog to not be looking at me!" Sometimes I wonder if people have ever actually met an animal. That's just what they do. My old cat Freya, through my 12 years knowing her, always had this thing where she sat facing a corner and just stared, ignoring everything around her. My older cat, Stella, had an experience early in my parents time having her, where she and Freya were left home alone in the apartment together, and when my parents got back they were terrified of something. Stella never got over it. We still don't know what happened, we never will, but she was extremely jumpy for the rest of her life, almost 15 years of jumpiness. My current oldest cat, Midnight, loves sitting in Freya and Stella's favourite spots. She never knew Stella, but Stella was good at finding comfy spots so they probably just had the same ideas. Midnight misses Freya, so it makes sense for her to like Freya's spots. Sometimes she acts like she's interacting with Freya, or another cat that isn't there. But that's because she's a cat, and cats are weird. Onyx is... Onyx. He's a chaotic kitten. He'll run around for 10 minutes to multiple hours as if he were chasing Midnight like he does sometimes. But, again, he's Onyx and nothing he does makes sense. Might make a chapter purely on their chaos. Both Midnight and Onyx are obsessed with my room, especially the closet and vents. Though they love all the vents because of the noises they make when turning off/on. As for the attic... I can't explain that. I myself have the same view on the attic as them. I'll probably do a chapter on that too. Do I think there's anything supernatural happening with my cats? No. Not at all. They're just chaotic weirdos, and I love them.

I; jumpscares and sound effects. If you want me to think it's real a; don't make jumpscares, they're so overused in horror and never really happen in real life, and b; don't put sound effects or music, it makes it seem fake and not serious.

J; those terrifying radios that are supposed to be manipulated b ghosts to make words and stuff. Holy heck I hate those. If you hear enough random noises your brain is going to make you hear words. Especially when it's literally made up of a bunch of syllables and random musical instruments. I find them terrifying because they are loud as hell.

K; blurry. "I swear I saw an apparition, but my camera got blurry as I did so you can barely see it!" Yeah, sure you did.

L; hot/cold spots. Yeah, that's how air works. Sometimes its hot and sometimes it cold. Sometimes it has drastic differences between two close spots. Sometimes when it precipitating there'll be a pretty distinguished wall between where its precipitating and where it isn't, does that mean there was some kind of divine intervention? No. Same with the air.

M; feelings. This one is weird. Sometimes in investigations people will claim being uncomfortable in certain areas for an reason they don't know. I believe them, I just don't think it's paranormal stuff. I've experienced it myself a lot. There's this chair in the corner of my room that i have my back too when on the computer, and it terrifies me for some reason. Not always though, only like 70% of the time. I don't know why. And the attic, which I to the left of me when I'm on the computer (Its in my closet) always makes me uncomfortable, even when I have the door closed or the light in the closet on. But when I'm in the closet with the door closed and no lights, I'm suddenly very calm. Do I know why? No. Do I think it's weird? Yes. Do I think it's supernatural? No. To the right of me when I'm on the computer is the wall between my house and my neighbor's house. Nothing important really happens there other than their annoyingly loud music. To the front of me is the wall the separates my room from the stairs and hallway to me and my brothers rooms. Also the laundry room but that's not important either.

I'll make some chapters on my experiences that are explainable or almost made me believe. I'll also update this as time goes on. Especially the attic stuff, that's the thing that has almost made me believe a few times now.

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