The Show Stopper ( Literally)

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Isaac: I'm really excited about the show guys I think it's gonna be good

Tay: Yea I'm excited too there's so many people here it's crazy haha.

Ravi: Well this is a fair I think there would be a lot of people even if you guys weren't here

Isaac: I agree with Ravi fairs are usually very busy

Tay: Whatever

( Taylor says at the stage guy leads them to the curtain allowing them to get situated with their instruments before the announcer introduces them and the curtain opens to reveal the guys and the stage)

( They started off with songs off Middle of Nowhere and then did a short accapella before taking a break for the intermission so people could get snacks and refreshments and so the guys could catch their breath and get a quick drink)

Zac: I need the bathroom and badd

Tay: Same I need to go too

Zac: Where's Jason??!!

( Zac yelled over to Isaac and Ravi who were talking with each other about the guitars )

Isaac: I don't know look around he should be here

Zac: But there's no time I really need the bathroom nowww and so does Tay

( Zac said looking around as Tay walked up next to him )

Ravi: Can't help you dude idk where he is why don't you guys just go real quick and hurry back they aren't that far from here

Tay: Without security!!!!

Isaac: Yeah just run I doubt anyone is gonna follow you to the toilet yuckk

Zac: If you say so

( Zac said as he and Tay turned around and started walking to the stalls)

Tay: I don't think we should have gone without Jason..

Zac: Me neither but any longer I gotta hold it I won't make it

Tay: Yeaaa I guess

Zac: Besides there's tons of people here who's gonna recognize us from a bunch of people

Tay: I suppose nobody but you never know Zac

Zac: Yeaaaa

( Zac said as he and Tay ran into the bathroom and used it)

Tay: That felt really good to finally get to a bathroom

Zac: I agree

( Zac said as he dried his hands and walked out to Tay who was fidgeting with his shoelace which had come undone)

Zac: We should probably get back to the stage and it's almost time for the second part of the show

Tay: Yea we should probably take the way to backstage so we don't get mobbed hahaha

Zac: Good thinking

( As the boys walked passed a few small buildings they stopped when they heard a banging noise and male voices approaching them from behind)

Tay: Quick get in here Zac

( Tay said opening the door to one of the small buildings and huddling inside with Zac)

AN: this is where the trouble starts so be prepared

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