Day 4 (Madness)

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( Ron sat down in the chair of the motel room as the boys layed passed out in the bed he had parked his car out of sight of David and Chase so they wouldn't know where they were or at least so he thought as Chase and David drove into the lot of the motel they started to ride around before seeing Ron's car behind a building next to the motel)

Chase: Dude really thought he could hide his car?

David: Guess so

Chase: Well didn't work did it

David: No not at all, so what's the plan?

Chase: You are gonna hold down Ron while I get teeny and feisty it's so simple

David: Think you can handle feisty Hanson kid has quite a kick

Chase: That dude tries to kick me again I'll go all insanity Chase on his ass alright

David: Hey language and yes got it

( David said as he and Chase hopped out of the truck and started walking towards the motel room, Ron turned to look out the window just in time to see them coming up to the door so he darted up and stood in front of the bed just as Chase and David walked in)

Ron: The hell do you want??

Chase: The children moron duhh

Ron: Oh well sorry you can't have them

Chase: Wanna bet I can't

( Chase said as David grabbed onto Ron and held him down as she went towards the bed where the boys were laying and as she went to grab Zac she felt someone kick her in the side causing her to fall back and she looked up to see Taylor staring down at her)

Tay: I said you weren't touching him did I stutter

( Taylor said standing up from the bed and looking over at his brother who was now standing by the TV with wide eyes he ver seen Taylor hurt someone so he didn't know what to think)

Chase: Oh Hanson you made a big mistake

Tay: Nice!!! I make them all the time

( Taylor said smirking as Chase got up from the floor and grabbed him by the shirt pushing him against the wall)

Chase: Say one more thing Taylor

Tay: Whyyy

( Chase started kicking him again in the side and stomach causing him to fall down but he quickly got back up grabbed the lamp and hit her arm with it causing her to collapse to the ground holding her arm and looked over to see Ron push David off him and grab his keys )

Tay: My side and my stomach is aching

Ron : Come here bud

( Ron said picking up Taylor and doing the same with Zac carrying them both out the house and he set Zac down)

Ron: Here Zac take the keys and run over to the car ok

Zac: Yeaaa

( Zac took the keys and ran while Ron made it slowly over there with Taylor who was passing out in his arms, he set Taylor inside and buckled him and then got in the car and pulled away continuing the drive to LA which will be another hour)

: Back at the Police Station:

Isaac: I don't understand why I have to be here

Olivia: We just need to ask you a few things

Isaac: Whatever

( Isaac said slumping in the seat before sitting up straight again)

Elliott: Isaac how old are you?

Isaac: I'm 16 I will be 17 in November

Olivia: And how long have these threats been sent to you??

Isaac: I don't know maybe like a few ! months now since we became stars

( As Olivia was about to ask another question Rollins walked in with a smile on her face)

Olivia: Why so happy

Rollins: We just found the boys

Isaac: My brothers??

( Isaac said looking up at her with the biggest smile)

Rollins: Yes some guy brought them in and pressed charges against a couple people who were involved but the whereabouts of them are unknown

Isaac: Can I see them???

Rollins: They are receiving medical attention at the moment but afterwards definitely

Isaac: Thank you

Rollins: Your very welcome

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